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The "Tour Yosemite with a Buffalo Soldier" episode of the NPCA Park Stories podcast received the 2008 Award of Excellence from the Central California Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America's annual Image Awards competition in the podcast/weblog category. The "Caretakers of Our Cultural History" episode won first-place/documentary in the New Mexico Associated Press Broadcasters' 2008 awards competition.

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Park Stories

Park Stories: A Clean Commute

Visitors to Sequoia National Park in California are often awed by the impressive trees, but dismayed by the pollution that clouds the park's scenic views and harms wildlife. Fortunately, the nearby town of Visalia has an innovative solution, and is encouraging visitors and residents to get on board!

Watch our Slideshow >>

Read NPCA's report on air pollution in the national parks >>

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Park Stories: The March of Development on Saguaro National Park

The giant saguaro cactus is one of the many features of Saguaro National Park that lures travelers to this park in Tucson, Arizona. But this inspiring Sonoran desert landscape has also lured development, which, as Park Stories host Jim Williams reports, is increasing biting at the edges of Saguaro National Park, and risking the views and wildlife of this fragile place.

Watch our slide show >>

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Park Stories: Great Grass of Fire

Imported from Africa seventy years ago to fight erosion, the buffelgrass plant is now spreading throughout Saguaro National Park and the hillside communities of Tucson, Arizona, bringing with it the risk of catastrophic wildfire. Host Jim Williams takes us to Saguaro National Park to meet some of the volunteers that are pulling the grasses like mad, and the scientists that are keeping close watch on this fire fight.

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Park Stories: Caretakers of Our Cultural History

If the Smithsonian can be called the nation's attic, then the National Park Service is most certainly the entire house--caring for the wealth of America's archaeological sites, cultural treasures, and historic artifacts. Park Stories host Jim Williams introduces us to the Park Service professionals doing some of that essential work at Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico, where preservationists are removing graffiti left by recent visitors to the park's 800-year-old cliff dwellings. This episode of Park Stories won first place in the documentary category in the New Mexico Associated Press Broadcasters' 2008 awards competition.

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Park Stories: Investing in our Heritage

The 100th birthday of our national parks provides an incentive for reinvesting in our national heritage. Join host Kurt Repanshek, reporting from the National Park Foundation Leadership Summit on Partnership and Philanthropy, as he explores the traditional roles of philanthropy and federal funding in sustaining our parks, and speaks with some of the organizations working to encourage greater public and private support for our American treasures.

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Park Stories: The Canaries in the Coal Mine

In this edition of Park Stories, host Jim Williams walks among the Joshua trees and wildlife in Joshua Tree National Park, explores the changes to this fragile desert ecosystem being wrought by global warming, and introduces us to some of the local park experts, advocates, and friends trying to make a difference for the park they love.

Read NPCA's report Unnatural Disaster: Global Warming and Our National Parks

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Park Stories: Tour Yosemite with a Buffalo Soldier

NPCA introduces its new Park Stories podcast series by taking you into Yosemite National Park for an engaging encounter with one of the park's first rangers, Sergeant Alizy Bowman, a member of an African-American regiment of the U.S. Army that stood guard over Yosemite well before the creation of the National Park Service. Bowman was a Buffalo Soldier, and his inspiring story is shared by Park Service Ranger Shelton Johnson. 

This episode of Park Stories received the 2008 Award of Excellence from the Central California Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America's annual Image Awards competition in the podcast/weblog category.

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Teddy For President

Making national parks a national priority is what Teddy Mather is about. That's why he's running for president. Watch his video and visit us online at to join his campaign.

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Clean Air But-If-Fly

What's the number-one cause of air pollution in our national parks? Coal-fired power plants that fill the landscape with smog, spoiling the views for everyone. What's the solution? Find out in this new cartoon by Mark Fiore and the folks at NPCA. It stars the But-if-Fly. He's blue, he's gregarious, and he knows exactly what we can do to save the parks. 

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