Rural Heritage Village Smithy

Table of Contents

Rural Heritage is a bimonthly journal mailed by subscription since 1976 to small-scale farmers and loggers who enthusiastically use draft horse, mule, and ox power. Here in the Village Smithy you will find a sample of farriery and forge work articles from past issues.

What Next? by F. Thomas Breningstall

Horse Hoofcare Shoes and Nails Shoeing Stocks Behavior Problems Forge Work Learning Opportunities

Heartland Horseshoeing School, Chris & Kelly Gregory, owners/instructors

The Virtual Blacksmith Is In to answer your questions about hoof care, shoeing, and forge work

Directory of Farriers Specializing in Draft Horses, Mules or Oxen

Shoeing & Farriery Books and Videotapes

The Village Blacksmith by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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07 October 2005