Rural Heritage Business Office


GWA The Golden Web Award is presented to "those sites whose web design, originality and content have achieved levels of excellence deserving of recognition." (23 January 2002)
cool star award Netscape Open Directory has honored this website with its Cool Site designation because "is considered to be particularly attractive in design and very comprehensive in coverage, providing a great deal of useful and interesting information to anyone with an interest in draft horses." (24 December 2001)
Encyclopedia Britannica online editors have selected "as one of the best on the Internet when reviewed for quality, accuracy of content, presentation and usability. ...Britannica editors have rated it one of the most valuable and reliable on the Internet, in the company of an elite group of Web sites. We know quality is always difficult to accomplish and maintain. Congratulations on being a selected member of the Britannica Internet Guide." (31 January 2000)
Best of  the Net—a directory/portal linking only to sites offering the most relevent, interesting, and entertaining information—has designated Best of the Net for demonstrating "a standard of excellence above and beyond the norm, providing readers with a service and information at a level not found elsewhere. Rural Heritage is the definitive site for draft horse enthusiasts everywhere. It stands head and shoulders above the rest for the quantity and quality of information it provides." (1998 - present)

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01 February 2002