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Republic of Ecuador

National name: República del Ecuador

President: Rafael Correa (2007)

Current government officials

Land area: 106,888 sq mi (276,840 sq km); total area: 109, 483 sq mi (283,560 sq km)

Population (2008 est.): 13,927,650 (growth rate: 0.9%); birth rate: 21.5/1000; infant mortality rate: 21.3/1000; life expectancy: 76.8; density per sq km: 50

Capital (2003 est.): Quito 1,780,700 (metro. area), 1,443,900 (city proper)

Largest cities: Guayaquil, 2,597,600 (metro. area), 2,013,500 (city proper); Cuenca, 285,700

Monetary unit: U.S. dollar

Languages: Spanish (official), Quechua, other Amerindian languages

Ethnicity/race: mestizo (mixed Amerindian and white) 65%, Amerindian 25%, Spanish and others 7%, black 3%

National Holiday: Independence Day, August 10

Religion: Roman Catholic 95%

Literacy rate: 93% (2003 est.)

Economic summary: GDP/PPP (2007 est.): $98.28 billion; per capita $7,100. Real growth rate: 2.6%. Inflation: 3.3%. Unemployment: 9.8% official rate Arable land: 6%. Agriculture: bananas, coffee, cocoa, rice, potatoes, manioc (tapioca), plantains, sugarcane; cattle, sheep, pigs, beef, pork, dairy products; balsa wood; fish, shrimp. Labor force: 4.6 million (urban) (2007 est.); agriculture 8%, industry 24%, services 68% (2001). Industries: petroleum, food processing, textiles, wood products, chemicals. Natural resources: petroleum, fish, timber, hydropower. Exports: $13.3 billion (2007 est.): petroleum, bananas, cut flowers, shrimp. Imports: $13 billion (2007 est.): vehicles, medicinal products, telecommunications equipment, electricity. Major trading partners: U.S., Peru, Italy, Colombia, Brazil, Chile, Panama (2006).

Communications: Telephones: main lines in use: 1.8 million (2006); mobile cellular: 8.485 million (2006). Radio broadcast stations: AM 392, FM 35, shortwave 29 (2001). Television broadcast stations: 7 (plus 14 repeaters) (2001). Televisions: 2.5 million (2001). Internet hosts: 28,420 (2007). Internet users: 1.549 million (2006).

Transportation: Railways: total: 966 km (2006). Highways: total: 43,197 km; paved: 8,164 km; unpaved: 35,033 km (2002). Waterways: 1,500 km (most inaccessible) (2003). Ports and harbors: Esmeraldas, Guayaquil, La Libertad, Manta, Puerto Bolivar. Airports: 406 (2007).

International disputes: organized illegal narcotics operations in Colombia penetrate across Ecuador's shared border and caused over 20,000 refugees to flee into Ecuador in 2004.

Major sources and definitions

Flag of Ecuador


Ecuador, about equal in area to Nevada, is in the northwest part of South America fronting on the Pacific. To the north is Colombia and to the east and south is Peru. Two high and parallel ranges of the Andes, traversing the country from north to south, are topped by tall volcanic peaks. The highest is Chimborazo at 20,577 ft (6,272 m). The Galápagos Islands (or Colón Archipelago: 3,029 sq mi; 7,845 sq km), in the Pacific Ocean about 600 mi (966 km) west of the South American mainland, became part of Ecuador in 1832.




The tribes in the northern highlands of Ecuador formed the Kingdom of Quito around 1000. It was absorbed, by conquest and marriage, into the Inca Empire. Spanish conquistador Francisco Pizarro conquered the land in 1532, and through the 17th century a Spanish colony thrived by exploitation of the Indians. The first revolt against Spain occurred in 1809. In 1819, Ecuador joined Venezuela, Colombia, and Panama in a confederacy known as Greater Colombia.

When Greater Colombia collapsed in 1830, Ecuador became independent. Revolts and dictatorships followed; it had 48 presidents during the first 131 years of the republic. Conservatives ruled until the revolution of 1895 ushered in nearly a half century of Radical Liberal rule, during which the church was disestablished and freedom of worship, speech, and press was introduced. Although it was under military rule in the 1970s, the country did not experience the violence and repression characteristic of other Latin American military regimes. Its last 30 years of democracy, however, have been largely ineffectual because of a weak executive branch and a strong, fractious Congress.

Peru invaded Ecuador in 1941 and seized a large tract of Ecuadoran territory in the disputed Amazon region. In 1981 and 1995 war broke out again. In May 1999, Ecuador and Peru signed a treaty ending the nearly 60-year border dispute.

In 1998, Ecuador experienced one of its worst economic crises. El Niño caused $3 billion in damage; the price of its principal export, oil, plunged; and its inflation rate, 43%, was the highest in Latin America. In 1999, the government was near bankruptcy, the currency lost 40% of its value against the dollar, and the poverty rate soared to 70%, doubling in five years. The president's economic austerity plan was protested with massive strikes in March 1999.

President Jamil Mahuad was overthrown in Jan. 2000, in the first military coup in Latin America in a decade. The junta gave power to the vice president, Gustavo Noboa. Faced with the worst economic crisis in Ecuador's history, Noboa restructured Ecuador's foreign debt, adopted the U.S. dollar as the national currency, and continued privatization of state-owned industries, generating enormous opposition. In Feb. 2001, the government cut fuel prices after violent protests by Indians, who are among Ecuador's most disadvantaged people. Within two years, Ecuador's economy had rebounded from the brink of collapse. The economy grew by 5.4% for 2001, the highest rate in Latin America. Inflation was 22%, down from 91% in 2000, and the budget was balanced. But chronic corruption among senior government officials, as well as among the courts and the judiciary, has continued.

Lucio Gutiérrez, a leftist colonel best known for orchestrating the 2000 coup against President Jamil Mahuad, was elected to the presidency in 2003 on an anticorruption platform. He became Ecuador's sixth president in seven years. His attempts to introduce austere fiscal reforms, however, quickly alienated his political base, and numerous national strikes took place over 2003. In April 2005, Gutiérrez was ousted by the Ecuadoran Congress, after replacing much of the supreme court with his allies. Polls at the time indicated that just 5% of the people supported him. His estranged deputy, Alfredo Palacio, took over as president. In 2006, huge nationwide protests took place involving a potential free-trade agreement with the U.S. In Nov. 2006 presidential run-off elections, Rafael Correa, a left-wing economist, won with 56.7% of the vote, defeating conservative businessman Alvaro Noboa. Correa took office in Jan. 2007.

Correa immediately set out to boost economic growth and root out corruption in the country's political system. In an April referendum, voters overwhelmingly approved his call to rewrite the Constitution. He hoped the new Constitution would weaken Congress, which has been called inept and corrupt. Correa's critics accused him of trying to consolidate power, similar to recent moves by Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez.

In March 2008, Colombian forces crossed into Ecuadorean territory and killed FARC rebel leader, Raúl Reyes, and 20 other rebels. In response, Venezuela and Ecuador broke off diplomatic relations with Colombia and sent troops to the Colombian borders, although both countries denied any ties to FARC. In an attempt to help cool the diplomatic tension between the three countries, the Organization of American States approved a resolution, which declared that the Colombian raid into Ecuador was a violation of sovereignty. On March 6, Nicaragua broke off diplomatic relations with Colombia to demonstrate unity with President Rafael Correa of Ecuador.

On March 7, 2008, during a summit meeting in the Dominican Republic, the leaders of Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, and Nicaragua ended their diplomatic dispute over Colombia's raid into Ecaudor that occurred on March 1, 2008.

In April 2008, within hours of each other, the defense minister resigned without explanation and four top military commanders left their positions after President Rafael Correa accused the army of aiding the United States against FARC.

In April 2008, President Rafael Correa expelled more than 100 American military members from Manta air base, in anticipation of the 2009 expiration of the United States lease of the base.

In September 2008, in an attempt to create more stability in Ecuador, 64 percent of voters approved a new constitution that increased presidential powers, allowing Correa to run for two more consecutive terms.

See also Encyclopedia: Ecuador.
National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC) (In Spanish only) www.inec.gov.ec/ .
U.S. State Dept. Country Notes: Ecuador

Information Please® Database, © 2008 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

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  • Ecuador - Ecuador Ecuador [Span., = equator], officially Republic of Ecuador, republic (2005 est. pop. ...
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  • Ecuador: meaning and definitions - Ecuador: Definition and Pronunciation
  • Ecuador - Map of Ecuador & articles on flags, geography, history, statistics, disasters current events, and international relations.
  • Ecuador: Bibliography - Bibliography See C. R. Gibson, Foreign Trade in the Economic Development of Small Nations: The Case ...

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