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Delta Initiatives

Delta waterway The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta is a great natural treasure and a vital link in the state's water system, spanning five counties in northern California at the confluence of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers. As a result of the State's increasing population, demand for water and changing environmental conditions, the Delta is in jeopardy of collapse.

To avert an ecological disaster and ensure reliable water supplies for Californians now and in the future Governor Schwarzenegger has outlined a comprehensive plan for Delta sustainability. The Governor's plan is consistent with the California Water Plan and the Delta Vision's Blue Ribbon Task Force recommendations and includes actions that need to move forward now but will be consistent with any long-term strategic plan. Each of these actions will contribute to the sustainability of the Delta, restoring the environment and ensuring clean, safe and reliable water supplies for California.

What's New...

Delta Vision posts final Implementation Report
The Delta Vision Committee has submitted its final implementation report to Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger with recommended actions on how the California Delta should be managed to fulfill its equal goals of water supply reliability and ecosystem restoration. The plan sets priorities based on the Delta Vision Strategic Plan developed by the Governor's Delta Vision Blue Ribbon Task Force. The document has been posted on the Delta Vision website.
BDCP landowner meeting summaries and meeting materials
The Department of Water Resources has held several meetings for Delta landowners to discuss upcoming survey work for the environmental review of the BDCP. To support the Environmental Impact Report / Environmental Impact Statement, DWR must do field studies on certain parcels of private property in identified Delta conveyance study areas. All Question and Answer Summaries and materials presented are now available on the BDCP EIR/EIS website.
Delta Town Hall Meeting Summaries
Find meetings summaries of various Delta-related programs here, including the Delta Town Hall meetings held in June.
Delta E-News
Keep current on Delta programs and initiatives with the Delta e-newsletter. This electronic newsletter is designed to keep you current on issues affecting the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta. Prior issues of Delta e-News can be found under "Archive" in the left menu.
View the January 15, 2009 Delta e-News

DWR Actions to Protect and Restore California's Delta

bird BAY-DELTA CONSERVATION PLAN EIR/EIS - The Bay-Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP) is focused on water supply reliability and the recovery of listed species through a HCP under Federal law and an NCCP under State law. Environmental documents will be prepared to support the co-equal values of ecosystem restoration and water supply reliability in the Delta. BDCP will evaluate alternatives necessary to restore and protect the Delta ecosystem in the context of options for water conveyance.
conservation WATER CONSERVATION - Increasing water conservation is an essential element of fixing the Delta. The Governor has called for a 20% per capita reduction in urban water use statewide by 2020. DWR is working with the State Water Resources Control Board, the California Public Utilities Commission, and the California Energy Commission to develop a plan to achieve the Governor's goal.
delta PROTECTING THE DELTA - The Delta is a unique and historic place that must be protected. Valuable Delta resources include legacy communities, agriculture, transportation, recreation, communications, industrial infrastructure and environmental resources.
Delta channel INTERIM DELTA ACTIONS - Interim Delta actions are intended to help protect and restore Delta habitat and species, improve our ability to respond to catastrophic Delta failures and help water users cope with supply interruptions while long-term Delta planning efforts are being completed. These actions are intended to be compatible with any long-term Delta plan and make incremental improvements until long-term plans are in place.
dam WATER STORAGE - Additional storage capacity is needed to improve water supply reliability, help restore the environment, reduce system conflict and manage increased risk and uncertainty. New water storage will provide water dedicated to the environment, help respond to climate change and help meet the water needs for California's environment, growing population and vital economy.