In the News

June 22, 2006 - Apiguard® has been approved for use in New York State by US-EPA and the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. The active ingredient in Apiguard ® is thymol.
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  April 2006 - New York State Farm Bureau-Grassroots
Beekeeping Becoming Big Business
- Bees provide pollination services for orchards and vegetables; honey and beeswax end products. Read more...

January 25, 2006 - Barre, Vermont - Beekeepers' meeting buzzes with ideas

Discussion of the problem of mite infections of bees at annual meeting of the Vermont Beekeepers Association as part of the Vermont Farm Show in Barre.

Photo: Stefan Hard/Times Argus
  10/20/05 - FDA Approves TYLAN Soluble for the Control of American Foulbrood in Honey Bees  

4/15/2005 - New York State DEC has just approved Mite-Away II (formic acid) for control of Varroa destructor and Acarapis woodi. There is still time to use this product this spring.  Read NYS DEC approval...(PDF)

The manufacturer, NOD Apiaries, sent this message: "Commercial beekeepers and state or local associations may buy directly from us with a minimum order of one full pallet (960 treatments/96 pails). The price per pallet is $2496.00 plus freight ($26.00/ 10 pad pail). Check your beekeeping supplier to see if they will be carrying it in smaller amounts.


4/11/05 - New pheromone creates buzz about the clout of older bees.  Zachary Huang, Michigan State University.

A recent discovery unveils the chemical secret that gives old bees the authority to keep young bees home babysitting instead of going out on the town.


12/2/2004 - Illegal Use of Sodium Cyanide

The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and state departments of agriculture have recently been alerted that some beekeepers have been using sodium cyanide compound to control pests in their honey bee colonies/hives. Specifically, apiarists have been purchasing and using a sodium cyanide compound as a fumigant in beehives to destroy or mitigate wax moths including the caterpillar and larvae, as well as to cull out weaker hives. These practices are illegal and have the potential for serious harm to human health and the environment. Continued...(

  United States Honey Production Up 5%
Honey production in 2003 from producers with five or more colonies totaled 181 million pounds, up 5 percent from 2002. There were 2.59 million colonies producing honey in 2003, up 1 percent from 2002. Yield per colony averaged 69.9 pounds, up 5 percent from the 66.7 pounds in 2002. Read more...
  Honey Prices Record High
Honey prices increased to a record high during 2003 to 140.4 cents, up 6 percent from 132.7 cents in 2002. Prices are based on retail sales by producers and sales to private processors and cooperatives. State level honey prices reflect the portions of honey sold through retail, co-op and private channels. Read more...

National Agricultural Statistics Service, Agricultural Statistics Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. February 27, 2004
Detail of "The Duel of the Queens", E. J. Detmold. London, 1911.

The Everett F. Phillips Beekeeping Collection at Mann Library,
Cornell University
is one of the largest and most complete apiculture libraries in the world. The first ten volumes of 90 selected candidates from the collection are now available and fully searchable. Individual beekeepers, beekeeping organizations, and royalties received from the Dyce Honey Patent funded the endowment for the greatest works on beekeeping to be available via the Internet.
The Hive and the Honey Bee...

An exciting opportunity exists for beekeepers to help make these spectacular volumes available to the public via the World Wide Web.   
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New Food Regulations take effect on December 12. Honey is on the list
Food facilities must register with the FDA. Read carefully to see if you qualify. If you do, don't wait. These guys aren't kidding.Honey is on the list. Most hobby outfits will be exempt. Some sideline and most all commercial outfits need to heed this message. Don't bet you are exempt. Read the rules.

Registration of Food Facilities Under the Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002; Interim Rule
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued an interim final regulation for the registration of food facilities. Domestic and foreign facilities that manufacture, process, pack or hold food for human or animal consumption in the United States are required to register with the FDA by December 12, 2003. Registration is one of several tools that will enable FDA to act quickly in responding to a threatened or actual terrorist attack on the U.S. food supply.  Read more about this...
For information, instructions, FAQS, forms, etc....

  Beekeepers tagging hives with microchips     Date: March 22, 2004

Turlock, Calif. - Rising cost of honey fuels poaching outbreak. Hoping to foil a wave of bee poaching, almond growers who use the insects to pollinate their orchards are turning to modern technology — tagging the hives with microchips. Read article...

Begging Beetles Fool Honey bees for Food
Beetles kept as prisoners in honeybee hives trick their captors into feeding them. Read article...

Debbie Aldridge/UC Davis
Public Communications photo

Honey bee gene find ends 150-year search
Date: August 21, 2003

The genetic signal that makes a honey bee male or female has been identified by researchers in Germany, the U.S. and Norway. The finding, published in the August 22 issue of the journal Cell, shows how male bees can have no father, a scientific puzzle going back over 150 years... Read on...

Honey Bee Genome Being Sequenced     Date: June 2003

The Department of Entomology at Texas A&M University is abuzz with the news the honey bee genome is being sequenced by the Baylor College of Medicine Human Genome Sequencing Center. The honey bee was one of five species recently selected by the National Institutes of Health to have its genome sequenced. Read more...

Pesticide Update - NY State - US Environmental Protection Agency 

Cornell Uiversity has been informed by US-EPA that its request for a specific emergency exemption approval for the use of thymol to control varroa mites in bee hives in New York State has been approved. This exemption applies ONLY to the thymol-based product Api-Life VAR. The Section 18 emergency exemption for CheckMite+ has been renewed. A response to Cornell's request for a Section 18 emergency exemption for the use of the formic acid product, Mite-Away II, has not yet been received. This information does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by Cornell. Users must follow the label instructions that accompany each product. Check your state...


Varroa mite under microscope.

Apiary Inspection Program
New York State Division of Agriculture and Markets

ARS chemist Raul Rivera (left), technician Jesus Maldonado (center), and entomologist William Wilson use smoke and a specially modified hand held vacuum to collect Africanized honey bees to study the impact of parasitic mites on them.
Since the discovery of the honeybee tracheal mite and the Varroa mite, the maintenance of the state's viable honeybee population has been of great concern to the Department.

Left undetected or untreated, apiaries infested with these parasites will exhibit a high rate of colony mortality. In 1999, apiary inspectors inspected 5,426 honeybee colonies from 110 apiaries for American foulbrood disease and parasitic mites. The Department also issued certificates to 21 beekeepers permitting the interstate movement of 9,004 honeybee colonies. Approximately 29,500 honeybee colonies entered New York State under permit in 1999.

The small hive beetle, found for the first time in the U.S. in Florida in 1998, is known as an apiary pest in South Africa. The Department, in cooperation with the Department of Environmental Conservation and Cornell University, sought and obtained a FIFRA Specific Emergency Exemption request for the use of coumaphos for the control of the Varroa mite and the small hive beetle in New York State during 1999. In the course of inspections for the interstate movement of hives, the presence of the small hive beetle was reported from a commercial apiary.

USDA photo - Scott Bauer
Applying Apistan tabs
Bees and Pesticides     Date: May 2001

Information on the Mosquito Control Program and Honey Bees
- Dr. Nicholas Calderone, Dyce Lab
Where the risk factors combine to pose a serious risk to bees, you will want to consider one of two options. Beekeepers with one or two colonies can confine their bees during and immediately after a spray.If you leave your colonies unprotected in a spray zone, observe the entrances for several days after the spray takes place. Learn more...

News in Honey Research from the National Honey Board

Grassroots - The Voice of New York Farm Bureau 

View a slideshow of the Varroa mite (VarroaPop) populations in honey bee colonies. The program demonstrates how Varroa mites influence colony population growth throughout the year. You can change many factors through the menus in the model such as the initial population size, queen egg laying potential, and mite reproduction rates, so you can see how these factors influence both colony and mite population growth. Carl Hayden Bee Research Center.

Research Focus Articles - Popularized articles of current research publications relevant to the beekeeping industry and entomology.    

© Copyright 2008, All rights reserved, Nicholas W. Calderone, Associate Professor,
Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 


Updated July 2006
Web Site Design: Linda Fazzary