The Bee-Files

Nicholas W. Calderone        Associate Professor of Apiculture  
1. Management of honey bee brood diseases:
Part I: Identification and treatment.
8. IPM: Varroa mites – a seasonal plan for managing
this pest.
2. Management of honey bee brood diseases:
Part II: management protocols.
9. Integrated Pest Management for honey bee pests
and predators in the northeast Part II: Managing
varmits and bears
3. Integrated Pest Management: wax moths, mice, wasps and robber bees. 10. Identification and management of Varroa jacobsoni
in the Northeast.
4. Integrated Pest Management: equipment repairs.

11. Sampling for laboratory diagnosis of honey bee
mites and diseases.

5. The value of honey bees as pollinators of U.S. crops in 2000. 12. Integrated Pest Management for Varroa destructor
in the Northeastern United States using drone brood removal and formic acid.
6. An introduction to Integrated Pest Management for honey bee pests.

13. Drone brood removal for the management of
Varroa destructor.

7. IPM: minimize stress - promote health.
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© Copyright 2008, All rights reserved, Nicholas W. Calderone, Associate Professor,
Department of Entomology, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853 


Updated July 2006
Web Site Design: Linda Fazzary