'Miracle on the Hudson': Pilot saves lives of all aboard crippled craft

Published: Thursday, Jan. 15, 2009 11:17 p.m. MST
NEW YORK — A cool-headed pilot maneuvered his crippled jetliner over New York City and ditched it in the frigid Hudson River on Thursday, and all 155 on board were pulled to safety as the plane slowly sank. It was, the governor said, "a miracle on the Hudson."

One victim suffered two broken legs, a paramedic said, but there were no other reports of serious injuries.

Eric Doten, a Florida aviation safety consultant, said he could not recall another example of a modern jetliner water crash in which everyone survived.

US Airways Flight 1549, an Airbus A320 bound for Charlotte, N.C., struck a flock of birds just after takeoff minutes earlier at LaGuardia Airport, apparently disabling the engines.

The pilot, identified as Chesley B. "Sully" Sullenberger III of Danville, Calif., "was phenomenal," passenger Joe Hart said. "He landed it — I tell you what, the impact wasn't a whole lot more than a rear-end (collision). It threw you into the seat ahead of you.

"Both engines cut out and he actually floated it into the river," he said.

In a city still wounded from the aerial attack on the World Trade Center, authorities were quick to assure the public that terrorism wasn't involved.

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The plane was submerged up to its windows in the river by the time rescuers arrived, including Coast Guard vessels and commuter ferries that happened to be nearby. Some passengers waded in water up to their knees, standing on the wing of the plane and waiting for help.

Fire officials said that aside from one woman with leg fractures, passengers were evaluated for hypothermia, bruises and other minor injuries.

"We had a miracle on 34th Street. I believe now we have had a miracle on the Hudson," Gov. David Paterson said.

The crash took place on a 20-degree day, one of the coldest of the season in New York. The Coast Guard said the water temperature was 36 degrees.

As the plane descended, passenger Vallie Collins tapped out a text message to her husband, Steve: "My plane is crashing."

Another passenger, Jeff Kolodjay, said people put their heads in their laps and prayed. He said the captain instructed them to "brace for impact because we're going down."

"It was intense. It was intense. You've got to give it to the pilot. He made a hell of a landing," Kolodjay said.

Hart said he waited out on the wing of the plane, with others, as the water level rose from his knee to his waist.

"Most of the panic occurred while we were out on the wings or in the water, and the ferry boats were coming." But, he added, "I couldn't believe how fast they showed up. They were right there to pick us up."

Later, Hart had recovered enough to send a humorous text message to an Associated Press reporter: "I'm certain this will get me an upgrade on my next flight!"

Recent comments

I think it is amazing that all of the people survived. It is just...

Kiersten Roden | Jan. 16, 2009 at 2:53 p.m.

I learned from my mother to always thank the crew for a wonderful...

WBM5 | Jan. 16, 2009 at 10:19 a.m.

This sounds like a movie waiting to happen. I love movies about real...

Anonymous | Jan. 16, 2009 at 10:18 a.m.

Passengers escape the jetliner as it sinks. Those standing on the wing descended into the 36-degree water until rescue. The crash was caused by the plane striking birds. (Associated Press)
Associated Press

Passengers escape the jetliner as it sinks. Those standing on the wing descended into the 36-degree water until rescue. The crash was caused by the plane striking birds.


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