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  1. Pick up all necessary items from the building.
  2. Take care of all the experimental materials.
  3. Make sure that defrost is on in all the vehicles and that the fan is set to the second speed (one above low).

  4. Park the first vehicles that drivers will use at the front of the building.
  5. Assist onroad experimenters with road setup.
  6. Drop off all onroad staff at their stations.

  7. Park vehicles at the bottom turnaround.

  8. Make sure that radios are on.
  9. Place the stepstools on the side of the road.

  10. Wait for drivers to arrive at the bottom turnaround.

Basic Duties of a Valet

  1. Show them to their next vehicle as per the experimenter sheet.
  2. Orient person to next vehicle and turn on the lights.
  3. Complete the measurements (night 2 only).
  4. Before driver goes down the road, ensure the headlamps are on and working. USE SAFETY GLASSES.
  5. Take a 15-minute break between sessions (if running a double).
  6. Repeat the above protocol if running a double or triple shift.

  7. Protocol for running rain (see diagram).

    Both valets will wait at the bottom of the hill for the participants to arrive. The first vehicle will park next to cone H. The second vehicle will park next to cone F. Cone G will only be used when the second vehicle arrives at the bottom after the second lap. Under these circumstances, cone G will be used in order to keep the first participant from being blinded. If it is night 1 (practice lap), valet A will get in the back seat of the vehicle that the first participant is in and ride up to the top of the hill with them (turn off your radio). Valet B will remain at the bottom of the hill. At the top of the hill, valet A will direct the first participant to the stopping point, next to cone A (facing the top of the hill in the left lane, cone A should also be a reflector cone) and have the driver put the car in park. As the second vehicle approaches the top turnaround, valet A will direct them to pull up in the right lane (the cars will now be staggered and in opposite lanes). This second car will then back up between cones B and C (these cones should be reflector cones). To aid the driver, the window should be rolled down so the valet can walk and talk to the driver. They should back in up to cone D. The second car up the hill now becomes the first down the hill. Valet A will then back the first participant into the gravel lot. Valet A will get into the vehicle with the first participant to head back downhill. The traveling valet will ride up on run 1 and down on run 4.

    Diagram. Protocol for running rain. Click here for more detail.

    Once the second car gets back to the turnaround at the bottom of the hill, valet B will escort their participant to the vehicle needed for VES 1. This vehicle should be parked just behind the edge of the guardrail at the bottom turnaround if possible. (The people in the first car down will walk forward to get to their new car.) Once the lights are checked and normal valet protocol is followed, valet B will get into the back seat of this vehicle (now becoming the traveling valet, and turning off their radio), which will then wait for the second vehicle to get to the bottom turnaround before proceeding uphill. Once at the bottom of the hill in the second vehicle, valet A will then escort their participant to the vehicle needed for VES 1 and check the lights along with the usual protocol. Valet A will then wait at the bottom of the hill.

    If this was night 2 (no practice lap), the only difference would be that valet A would have waited at the top of the hill until riding down the hill with the second vehicle on the second lap. Essentially, this would involve turning the cars around twice per VES (the traveling valet will be dropped off at the top of the hill after run 1 and will ride back down during run 4). This would be repeated for the remainder of the night with valets alternating between each VES. That is, the valet that travels for VES 1 will not travel for VES 2, then will travel again for VES 3 and VES 5.

    Also, one [contractor facility] setup vehicle will be positioned on the portion of the road where the tarps are. This is for the end of the night. When the cars go up for the final lap of VES 6/12, the setup vehicle should be positioned as if it were the next experimental vehicle (at the edge of the guardrail). This is so both in-vehicle experimenters and both participants can get into the setup vehicle and leave the road. This allows onroad personnel use of all experimental vehicles (SUVs, truck, sedan) when breaking down the road.

  8. Shutdown procedures:



Black SUV

White SUV



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