Centennial - 100 years of the Monitor

RSS Feeds

What is RSS?

An RSS file is a list of headlines that can be read by another program or website. RSS is usually said to stand for "Really Simple Syndication" because it is relatively easy to implement and use.

Programs that know what to do with RSS files are called "news aggregators," and there are a lot of them. Most are very easy to use. They all let you read headlines from dozens or hundreds of news sites at one time.

There are three kinds of aggregators: aggregator web sites, web browsers that act as aggregators, and stand-alone aggregator software that you install on your computer. Once you have an aggregator, simply click on the RSS icon ( RSS feed icon sample ) associated with any of the feeds below. It will take you to a page where you can add the RSS feed to the most popular aggregators with one more click.

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RSS files © Copyright 2008 The Christian Science Monitor. These files are offered to individuals and non-commercial organizations only. Newspapers, magazines, and other commercial websites wishing to use Monitor RSS files, please contact our syndication staff.

Photos of the Day:
The best photos from Jan. 15, 2009

ELECTION '08 Patchwork Nation
The American voter beyond red and blue

FISHERIES Empty Oceans Series
The sea is no longer so vast.

Daily podcast

Monitor Reports

Discussions with Monitor reporters from around the world


Pat Murphy

The US Senate and the President-elect's Cabinet choices.

Today's print issue
Today's Issue of The Christian Science Monitor