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" "" " Ozark-St. Francis National Forests




Ozark-St. Francis National Forests
605 West Main
Russellville, AR 72801

(479) 964-7200




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Recreation Safety

The most effective way to prevent mishaps is to adequately prepare for the trip. Knowledge of the area, weather, terrain, limitations of your body, plus a little common sense can help to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip.

Our national forests are a refuge for wild animals, including dangerous animals like bears and venomous snakes. Wild animals can be upset by human presence and can unexpectedly become aggressive. Do not give them a reason or an opportunity to attack. Always keep your distance. Your safety is your responsibility.


Hazardous Trees

  • Beware of limbs and damaged trees that may fall at any time.
    Look up while on trails, especially when it's windy.
    Use caution when selecting a place to camp, picnic, or rest.

Black Bears

  • The Ozark-St. Francis National Forests have had few reports of problems with bears harming humans. Usually black bears will avoid humans. Seeing a bear is usually rare, but caution is still advised.
  • Tie food high in trees away from campsite.
  • Feeding the bears or leaving food scraps on the ground or near camp is an invitation into your camp and should be avoided.
  • Do not store food, toothpaste, etc. in the tent with you. It is not advisable to eat food in your tent. This may leave food crumbs or odors in the tent which could attract the bears to you.
  • Dogs may aggravate bears, especially mothers with cubs. Always keep your dog on a leash. Allowing your dog to roam the forest may awaken or agitate bears.
  • If bears come around you or your camp, make noise and flap your arms. This should scare them away. Playing dead or trying to outrun a black bear is not effective.
  • For more information go to www.BeBearAware.org


  • Poison ivy has three leaves and is a plant but may also climb like a vine. Remember... If It Has Leaves of Three Leave It Be!
  • These tiny (1/150 of an inch), orange, yellow, or red mites are not dangerous but can cause you a lot of misery.
  • Sitting in grass, walking through underbrush or along the road where the beautiful wildflowers bloom can make you the host for many chigger meals.
  • The larvae can barely be seen as they crawl on the skin surface of the host in search of an appropriate attachment site. When a suitable location is found, such as a skin pore or hair follicle, the chigger attaches its mouthparts to the spot. On humas, chiggers prefer places where the clothing fits tightly over the skin or where the skin is thin or wrinkled.
  • Contrary to popular opinion, chiggers do not burrow into the skin or feed on blood. Instead, chiggers inject a digestive fluid containing enzymes that causes skin cells to rupture. The ruptured skin cell contents are then utilized as food. Unfortunately, the digestive fluid injected by the chigger causes affected skin tissue to become red and swollen. In addition, the bite area will cause you to itch like crazy for several days even after the chigger has detached from the skin!
  • The best way to avoid getting chiggers is to wear loose-fitting clothing, avoid sitting or reclining directly on the ground, use some type of insect repellent, and avoid their habitat.
  • Taking a hot, soapy bath or shower immediately after returning from a likely chigger-infested area can remove most chiggers before they have had the opportunity to attach and feed.
  • Think twice before sitting or sunbathing on that lovely patch of green grass!
  • Please do not harm the snakes, but it is a good idea to avoid them. There have been few snake bites reported by those visiting the forests.
  • Arkansas has poisonous snakes that live in and near water. Occasionally, they may be seen in trees overhanging streams and rivers

  • Other snakes live around rocks, bluffs, wood or brush piles, and may be seen sunning on the roads in the forest. Be alert and watch where you are stepping, sitting, and placing your hands when exploring these areas.
  • Snake bites usually pose very little threat to most adults. If bitten, remain calm and seek medical attention.
  • The forests are known to have black widow, brown recluse, and wolf spiders.
  • Stay clear of log and brush piles and remember to shake out clothing and bedding before use.
  • It is a good idea to use a stick to knock down spider webs that may block the trail as you are walking through the forest.
  • From tiny "seed" ticks to larger deer ticks, they are in the forests and caution should be taken to prevent yourself from being bitten by them.
  • Lyme disease is carried by ticks and can be hard to detect and cure.
  • To protect yourself from tick bites, always wear some type of tick repellent on your clothes. Tuck the legs of your pants into your socks and spray repellent on pants, socks and boots.
  • Check your body thoroughly after spending time in the woods. This is your best defense against diseases transmitted by ticks.
Wasps, bees, mosquitoes...stinging things
  • These are mostly just annoying pests, but getting stung can be deadly for some people. If you believe you are allergic to these insects, please use utmost caution in the woods and campgrounds.
  • Wear repellent and use it around your sleeping area.
  • Watch where you step when traveling forest trails and inside forest facilities.
  • Yellow jackets are present in the forest, and they nest in the ground or under hollow stumps. They are present in some campgrounds and picnic areas.
  • Gnats are stinging insects also, and here on the forests there are Buffalo Gnats. They sound big, but are extremely tiny and tend to sting your face around your eyes and on your ears and neck. Sometimes insect repellent will help keep them away.
Cell Phones
  • Although there are few reasons to fear cell phones in the national forests, carrying one to protect you from any of the above mentioned dangers and annoyances will probably not do the job.
  • Cell phones are probably a good idea. Just be aware that unless you are on top of one of the mountains in the forest, it will be very difficult to reach anyone by phone or receive calls from others.
  • Less cell phone use may allow you more time to enjoy all the wonders of the Ozark-St. Francis National Forests.
Now that we have cautioned you about some of the "not so pleasant" aspects of visiting the Ozark-St. Francis National Forests, we hope we haven't scared you away! Just remember, there are some folks that are still visiting here after they have seen a few of these pesky varmints, and they keep coming back! Why don't you come visit your National Forests in Arkansas? We think you'll love it so much, you will want to come back.

Last Updated: July 14, 2006 9:16 AM
Author: Ryan Adcock
Created: September 6, 2002
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