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Embassy of the United States to Egypt
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Frequently Asked Questions from Applicants

Q: Can I submit more than one proposal to the Joint S&T Fund per year?

A: No, applicants may no longer submit more than one proposal per year.

Q: Can I have more than one active Joint S&T Fund grant at a time?

A: The Joint Board will no longer award consecutive year grants.

Q: May I still apply for the Joint S&T Fund if I am not an Egyptian or American citizen?

A: The nationality of the institution, not the applicant, is what matters. The American applicant is anyone who applies through a U.S. institution, regardless of the citizenship of the applicant. The same applies for Egyptian applicants.

Q: Do American University of Cairo (AUC) and the U.S. Naval Medical Research Unit #3 (NAMRU3) researchers apply as Americans or Egyptians?

A: The S&T Joint Board considers AUC an Egyptian institution. AUC faculty, whether American or Egyptian citizens, apply for the Joint S&T Fund as an Egyptian applicant. NAMRU3 is a U.S. government institution. NAMRU3 researchers, whether American or Egyptian citizens, apply for the Joint S&T Fund as an American applicant.

Q: Can I, as the Principal Investigator (PI), include my salary in the grant budget?

A: Egyptian coordinators/PIs may include their salary costs in the budget, however U.S.coordinators/PIs may not. However, post doctoral, graduate students and technicians may include their salaries in the proposal budget.

Q: Can I include university overhead charges in the grant budget?

A: American and Egyptan applicants can include in direct costs or overhead up to 14%, but the Program Announcement discourages this.

Q: Can the signatures on the proposal cover sheet be faxed rather than original?

A: The U.S. side accepts faxed signatures. The Egyptian side requires the Egyptian signatures to be original.

Q: How many copies of my proposal should I submit?

A: For Egyptian Experts submitting applications:
The application form and guidelines for applicants are available at the following website www.stdf.org.eg

For U.S. Experts submitting applications:
Mail one hard copy to the U.S. program administrator AND submit one soft copy via pdf to stfund@usaid.gov by the application deadline date. (Compliance with the deadline will be affirmed via the hard copy postmarked date.)For U.S. Experts submitting applications:

Q: Can a graduate student currently attending university apply for a Joint Research Grant as a PI?

A: No, current graduate students cannot apply as a PI for a Joint Research Grant. However, U.S. PhD students may apply for a Junior Scientist Development Visit Grant.

Q: How do I extend the grant period?

A: American grantees must contact the U.S. funding agency that issued their award (National Science Foundation, National Institute of Standards and Technology, or U.S. Department of Agriculture.) Egyptian grantees must contact the Egyptian Administrator.

Q: How can I find information about attending the S&T organized workshops?

A: Directly contact the workshop organizer in your country listed under the "Upcoming Workshops" link.

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