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Welcome to the Press & Cultural Affairs Section in Cairo, Egypt.  As the public diplomacy arm of the U.S. Embassy, the section disseminates information and conducts programs on a variety of topics that are of interest to Egyptians and Americans. Our Press, Educational & Cultural affairs activities, in Egypt and the United States, promote professional exchanges between American and Egyptian individuals and institutions thereby increasing understanding and cooperation on the people to people level. Our programs address topics and issues that are of importance to the U.S./Egyptian relationship, ranging from foreign policy to environmental protection and American political, economic and social systems.

The Information Office: Provides information and assistance to Egyptian and international print and electronic media, assists the news media with queries, provides U.S. government public diplomacy documents on current issues, and distributes Press Releases. The office also organizes press conferences and interviews for U.S. officials, and organizes  Digital Video Conference interactive programs with U.S. government officials and other American experts.

The Cultural Affairs Office:
Manages the mission's educational and cultural programs. Works closely with Egyptian institutions in organizing exchanges, workshops, lectures, and presentations by U.S. academics, specialists, writers and artists. The Cultural office also includes the following offices:

  • Regional English Language Office:
    The goal of the English language programs is to upgrade second language English instruction in Egypt for English teachers. The RELO also provides consultation to other posts in the region, conducts workshops and participates in local and regional conferences, which benefit the teachers of these areas.

  • Arabic Book Program (Regional Book Office):
    Translates, publishes and distributes selected titles from American publishers in various areas including political science, economics, business management, and social trends.

The Information Resource Center (IRC): The Information Resource Center (IRC) is dedicated to maintaining an ongoing dialogue with Egyptians and promotes understanding of American society, values, culture, and foreign policy. The IRC responds to the information and research requests of its users through its services, resources and activities. It also supports the information and public diplomacy needs of the American mission in Egypt.