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Your reproductive health

As you grow older, changes begin to happen in your body and its reproductive system. You need to know what to expect and how to stay healthy. For instance, you need to know how your menstrual cycle (period) normally feels and what your vaginal discharge (fluid) normally looks like, so that you can tell if you have a problem and need to see a doctor.

diagram of pelvic region

If you have questions, talk to one of your parents or your guardian. Or, talk to your school nurse, doctor, or another adult you trust. And remember, no question is silly. You don’t have to be embarrassed about not knowing something or asking about it! Every teenager has questions. For more information, check out the links below!

How the reproductive system works
People who care for reproductive health
When to see a gynecologist
Straight talk about sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
STI symptoms
Vaginal infections


Content last updated June 18, 2008

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
