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Problem periods

Being uncomfortable or having cramps along with your period is very common. It is also common for your periods to be irregular sometimes, meaning you may not get it at the same time each month or at all some months. These things can happen and there may not necessarily be a problem, even though you might be uncomfortable or in pain. The tough thing is knowing when the things you are feeling are normal and when there is a problem. To make this easier, get to know yourself:

  • How painful are your cramps each month? If you start to have cramps that are much worse than usual, talk to your parents/guardian about seeing a doctor.
  • What is your stress level like when you get your period? Are you a little more stressed around the time of your period, or do you feel like you can’t cope at all with school and family issues?
  • How heavy is your blood flow? You can tell how heavy it is by how many times you have to change your pads or tampons.

Answering these questions can help you figure out what your periods are usually like. If you are in pain or are not sure if what is happening with your period is a problem or not, talk with your parents/guardian about making an appointment to see your doctor. And having answers to the questions above can help you talk to your doctor about what you are dealing with.

What can affect my period?

  1. Stress
    If you are under a lot of stress, your periods might stop for a bit, but they usually begin again when your stress level goes down.
  2. Exercise
    Too much exercise can cause your body fat to be very low, which can cause your periods to stop. This can happen if you are training hard for sports such as ballet, gymnastics or long-distance running. It can also happen if you are exercising a lot in other ways on your own. It might seem confusing, since you often hear that exercise is good for you. It is good for you – as long as you don’t over-exercise. How do you know if you are exercising too much? If you are over-tired or get injured often, you may be over doing it.
  3. Hormones
    Hormones are special chemicals that your body makes. In a normal menstrual cycle, your hormones go up and down. Sometimes there are problems with hormones. A hormonal imbalance called PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome, keeps your hormone levels high, getting in the way of your cycle. If you have PCOS, your periods may not come every month, they may not come at all, or you may have bleeding in between periods. Read our information on PCOS for teens to learn more about this disease.

    A problem with your pituitary gland can also affect your menstrual cycle. The pituitary gland makes hormones that impact other glands in the endocrine system (the body system that controls growth, sexual development, and metabolism).

When to see a doctor

You should talk to an adult you trust and/or see a doctor if you experience any of the following:

  • you have not gotten your period by the age of 16
  • your period suddenly stops, and it has been three to six months and it hasn’t started again (and you know you aren’t pregnant, confirmed by a doctor’s pregnancy test or by not having had sexual intercourse)
  • you are bleeding for more days than usual (abnormal bleeding that is different from your normal menstrual periods)
  • your bleeding is very heavy (abnormal bleeding that is different from your normal menstrual periods)
  • you suddenly feel sick after using tampons
  • you bleed in between periods (more than just a few drops)

Use the chart below to learn more about common period problems.

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Viewing the above requires the Adobe® Flash® Player.)

Content last updated June 18, 2008

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
