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The Goulburn Broken Catchment, Victoria

Work in this catchment is the most advanced of all the case study regions. In the Goulburn Broken, the project will focus on a detailed assessment of all of the ecosystem goods and services, and the development of scenarios and biophysical models to evaluate the impact of various land uses on ecosystems and their ability to continue to provide goods and services.

Working very closely with community stakeholders and undertaking numerous communication activities in order to raise awareness of the value of ecosystem services is also integral to the project.
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Atherton Queensland

Four ecosystem service projects focusing on the Wet Tropics are underway in the Atherton region, and they include;

  1. Integrating Ecology and Economics - Valuing Changes in Ecosystem Goods and Services
  2. Water Regulation as an Ecosystem Service
  3. Carbon and Elemental Sequestration and Regulation in the Wet Tropics
  4. Ecological Services Provided by Rainforest Anthropods

Rangelands of NSW

This project will focus on a valuation of Ecosystem Services at Regional and Local Scales in the western region of NSW.
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Gwydir Valley, NSW

This project aims to increase awareness of the Gwydir community's dependence on ecosystem services, the value of those services, and management options to enhance ecosystem services and avoid deleterious impacts.

This study will generate biophysical data (by both collating existing data and by studies in areas identified as important by the scoping study) and apply these data to models to extrapolate economic values for various ecosystem services.
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The Blackwood Catchment of Western Australia

The Blackwood Basin Group is a community-based organisation in south-west Western Australia extending from Augusta on the coast to Kukerin in the wheat belt. The Blackwood Basin Group is a community-operated organisation that delivers assistance to achieve sustainable land management across the Blackwood Basin. The group specialises in accelerating on-ground action through coordination of natural resource management and education.

In partnership with the group, a markets for ecosystem services study will take place within the Blackwood Basin.

Brisbane River Catchment

This project is aiming to value the impact of retaining native vegetation on farms on water quality and other ecosystem services in the upper Brisbane River Catchment. The project is part of a larger program of research that is establishing landscape design principles in agricultural catchments.
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Brigalow region of Queensland

This case study is examining ecosystem services and the sustainable use of remnant vegetation in the Brigalow Bioregion of southern Queensland.
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