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1992 Survey of Consumer Finances

Survey Results

Three types of summary output are available on this page: a Federal Reserve Bulletin article; two sets of tables, in Excel format, that provide estimates comparable to the tables included in the Bulletin article, one using the the internal SCF data and another using the public SCF data; and a chartbook that includes time series charts using triennial SCF data covering the period 1989 to 2004.

Changes in Family Finances from 1989 to 1992: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances
Arthur B. Kennickell and Martha Starr-McCluer
Federal Reserve Bulletin, vol. 80 (October 1994), pp. 861-82.
Article (108 KB PDF) | Article (506 KB Postscript)

Expanded Versions of the Tables in the Federal Reserve Bulletin Article, in Excel Format
Additional tables are available in Excel format (users without Excel may download the free
Excel viewer) based on the table structures in the Bulletin article cited above. Four sets are provided. For both the internal and public versions of the SCF data, estimates are given in nominal and in inflation-adjusted terms (see the inflation factors in the variable definitions for the extract data set). Each of these sets of tables contains estimates from the 1989, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2001, and 2004 SCFs. In addition to the types of calculation reported in the Bulletin article, these sets of tables also contain an alternative version of table 11 as well as estimates of means corresponding to the median values reported in tables 5, 8, and 11. Users should be aware that because robust techniques were not used to calculate the mean estimates, results in some instances may be strongly affected by outliers.

Tables Based on the Internal Data
The calculations reported in these tables are made from the internal data, incorporating any weighting adjustments implemented in the analysis of those data for purposes of the summary articles in the Federal Reserve Bulletin.
Estimates in nominal dollars
Estimates inflation-adjusted to 2004 dollars

Tables Based on the Public Data
The calculations reported in these tables are made from the public data, not incorporating any weighting adjustments implemented in the analysis for those data for purposes of the summary articles in the Federal Reserve Bulletin. These calculations may be convenient for users who want to ensure that their estimates align with those made using the definitions employed in the writing of the most recent Bulletin article.
Estimates in nominal dollars
Estimates inflation-adjusted to 2004 dollars
Tables last updated April 25, 2007

SCF Chartbook
The SCF chartbook contains time series charts using triennial SCF data covering the period 1989 to 2004. The variables included are ones that appeared in a set of the tables in the Bulletin article. For each variable and classification group, the charts show the percent of families in the group who have the item and the median and mean amounts of holdings for those who have any. All dollar estimates are given in 2004 dollars. The 2004 SCF chartbook is provided in both PDF and Excel formats. The PDF version is a static file that includes all of the charts in the order they appear in the tables in the Bulletin article. The Excel format of the chartbook utilizes Visual Basic code to allow users to select from a drop down box the chart they would like to view. The definitions of the summary variables are given by the SAS program used to create them.

SCF Chartbook: Excel Format (947 KB XLS)
SCF Chartbook: PDF Format (3.91 MB ZIP)
Charts last updated April 25, 2007

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