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Letters are listed in reverse chronological order by year.


SR 98-38 (SUP)
Interagency Policy Statement on Income Tax Allocation in a Holding Company Structure
SR 98-37 (SPE)
Uniform Interagency Trust Rating System
SR 98-36 (TRN)
Training Program for Information Technology Examiners
SR 98-33 (SUP)
Interagency Country Risk Management Study
SR 98-28 (SUP)
Examinations of Insured Depository Institutions Prior to Membership or Mergers into State Member Banks
SR 98-26 (TRN)
Procedures for Waiving Training and Testing Requirements Under the New Examiner Commissioning Program
SR 98-25 (SUP)
Sound Credit Risk Management and the Use of Internal Credit Risk Ratings at Large Banking Organizations
SR 98-18 (SUP)
Lending Standards for Commercial Loans
SR 98-14 (SUP)
Interagency Policy Statement on Branch Names
SR 98-12 (SUP)
FFIEC Policy Statement on Investment Securities and End-User Derivatives Activities
SR 98-9 (SUP)
Assessment of Information Technology in the Risk-Focused Frameworks for the Supervision of Community Banks and Large Complex Banking Organizations
SR 98-7 (GEN)
Interagency Advisory Concerning a "Safe Harbor" and the Filing of Suspicious Activity Reports
SR 98-6 (SPE)
Section 20 subsidiaries--Impact on Inspections Resulting from the Replacement of "Firewalls" with Operating Standards
SR 98-5 (SPE)
Changes to the Board's Securities Credit Regulations (Regulations G and U)
SR 98-2 (TRN)
New Training Program Leading to Commissioned Examiner Status
SR 98-1 (GEN)
Management and Coordination of Information Technology for the Supervision Function

SR Letters 1999 1997