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Your future

Photo of three teens on the beach

Find other opportunities

Summer camps and enrichment programs

Many colleges or universities, as well as other organizations offer summer programs for a variety of interests and age levels. Use the web to see if a local school or organization offers any summer programs for K-12 students.

Resource for summer program opportunities:
Peterson’s Guide to Summer Opportunities

Photo of a US passportAround the world
Interested in learning about life in another country or culture? Then consider going abroad! Most opportunities are open to those in high school but if you’re younger, it doesn’t hurt to learn more about it. Check out the following resources:

Federal resource Peace Corps

United Planet

Council on International Education Exchange

Rotary International: Youth Exchange

Read “Study Abroad”

Possibilities are endless!

There are many other ways to explore your interests, much more than what’s covered on this web site. Here are a few more examples, and you can probably think of others!

  • Photo of two girls looking at a laptopAttend a performance or an athletic event.
  • Visit museums, monuments, or other historical institutions.
  • Talk to people! Your family, friends, teachers, coaches, or mentors might be able to help you.
  • Surf the Internet to see if there are web sites related to your interests.


Federal resource = This article, publication, web site, or organization is from the U.S. government.

Content last updated June 23, 2008

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
