University of Michigan Museum of Zoology

The Museum of Zoology serves as the nucleus for the study of animal diversity at the University of Michigan, focusing on the evolutionary origins of the planet's animal species, the genetic information they contain and the ecosystems they form. It houses some of the finest zoological research collections in the world, including comprehensive representation from all primary global ecosystems. Such collections provide the best tangible record we have of life on Earth and constitute a crucial resource for use in research, conservation and education.

Featured Publications & Events

Science Magazine Cover
Conservation Priorities Across Taxa in Madagascar,
The Evolving World, by David P. Mindell THE EVOLVING WORLD
Evolution in Everyday Life, by David P. Mindell (more)
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News & Publications

L Lacey Knowles L. Lacey Knowles talks with and answers a few questions about this month's Fast Breaking Paper in the field of Environment & Ecology. (more)

Workshop, Estimating Species Trees:
Recent Computational and modeling advances have produced new methods for estimating species trees directly. Accurate estimates of phylogenetic relationships can often be extracted from genetic data with these new approaches. We are hosting this workshop with the generous support of University of Michigan's Museum of Zoology to highlight the advantanges of these methods and increase their use.(more)

conus New Genomic Diversity Lab Director:
Dr. Liliana Cortés Ortiz
is the new director of the Genomic Diversity Laboratory and is responsible for coordinating usage of the facility. (more)

Jeremy Wright Best Student Poster: Congratulations to Jeremy Wright, who recently received the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists' Storer Award in Ichthyology for his poster, "The Phylogenetic Distribution of Siluriform Venom Glands". The poster is currently on display in the Fish Division of the Museum of Zoology. (more)

University of Michigan Museum of Zoology
1109 Geddes Avenue, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079
Phone: (734) 764-0476