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Frog Calls

By Dr. Patricia Jones

Frog Calls

frogIs that a frog I hear?

Here's a diverse set of calling frogs. It is not a complete collection for any place in particular, just species we happen to have sounds for. All but one species is North American (can you find the one that isn't?). Click on the call to play the sound, or on Species Account to see more information about that species.

Advertisement calls are the loud calls that male frogs make to attract females. These are the familiar calls most people are familiar with. Some frog species have aggressive calls made by males towards other males, some have distress calls when bitten by a predator, and some have release calls when one male needs to tell another male to let go (mating in frogs can be a bit hectic). If you have animal sound recordings you'd like to share with the world, you can contact us through the link at the bottom of the page. We are always happy to get more sounds and pictures for our site.

Bufo americanus (American toad)

Bufo americanus

Dendrobates auratus (Green and black poison dart frog)

Dendrobates auratus

Hyla versicolor (gray treefrog)

Hyla versicolor

Pseudacris crucifer (spring peeper)

Pseudacris crucifer

Pseudacris triseriata (chorus frog)

Pseudacris triseriata

Rana catesbieana (bull frog)

Rana catesbieana

Rana clamitans (green frog)

Rana clamitans

Rana okaloosae (Florida bog frog)

Rana okaloosae

Rana palustris (pickerel frog)

Rana palustris

Rana sylvatica (wood frog)

Rana sylvatica

Rana virgatipes (carpenter frog)

Rana virgatipes

Pictures and species accounts of many more Amphibia are available in the Animal Diversity Web as well. Many thanks to Dr. Alan J. Wolf, former researcher in the UMMZ Division of Reptiles and Amphibians (now with the University of Wisconsin), and Dr. Mac Given of Neumann College, and Doug Von Gausig, creator of for the digitized frog calls!

Dr. Patricia Jones (author), Animal Diversity Web.
George Starr Hammond (editor), UMMZ.

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