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Resources for College Instructors

You and your students may incorporate ADW images and diagrams in slide presentations. However, you typically cannot post such presentations on the web without explicit permission (see our Conditions of Use).

Ask your students to review descriptions of particular classes, orders, or families before introducing them in your lectures.

If you have a networked computer in your classroom or laboratory, suggest that your students consult ADW during their laboratory or discussion sections as questions arise.

Suggest that students review ADW information before exams.

Use ADW to complement the University of Arizona Tree of Life website, which has excellent descriptions of higher taxonomic levels as well as hypotheses of evolutionary relationships.

Urge students to compile and compare lifelists: list representatives of the different phyla, or classes, or orders, or families that they have personally observed.

Challenge students to document typographical and other errors in our species accounts, and have them submit corrections with the appropriate references. Similarly, have them compile and annotate lists of more recent references for us to post.

Ask your students to write species accounts as mandatory or extra credit projects. See Request to Contribute , Guidelines for Instructors, and Instructions for Contributors.

Sample college-level exercises like these maximize ADW's potential to get your students thinking.

Assign Critical thinking exercises to your students so they don't believe everything they read on the Web. The ICYouSee page will guide you and your students to "Question Authority."

Web searching resources: Sometimes you should just ask a good reference librarian! If you insist on mining the vastness of the WWW, learn how to search it efficiently.

Provide feedback: Have you used the Animal Diversity Web in your course? Please let us know what you and your students thought.

Help us help others: If you have developed exercises using ADW, please send us a copy and we'll make them available from this page.

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Structured Inquiry Search — preview