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Landmark publications

Abel et al (2003) Natrual Values: Exploring Options for Enhancing Ecosystem Services in the Goulburn Broken Catchment PDF icon 5.5MB or Executive Summary Only 476 Kb

Colloff, M.J., Fokstuen, G. and Boland, T. (2003) Toward the Triple Bottom Line in Sustainable Horticulture: Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and an Environmental Management System for Citrus Orchards in the Riverland of South Australia. CSIRO Entomology, Canberra 9.65MB

Binning, Cork, Parry & Shelton (2001). Natural Assets: An Inventory of Ecosystem Goods and Services in the Goulburn Broken Catchment.PDF icon 1.8MB

To request copies of these reports send your mailing details via the feedback page.
(Please note: Binning et al (2001) Natural Assets no longer available in print)


RIPRAP - River and Riparian Lands Management Newsletter (Land and Water Australia), 21

Journal papers

Cork, S.J. (in press). Ecosystem services and Costing. In "Encyclopedia of Global Environmental Change. Volume 2. The Earth System: Biological and Ecological Dimensions of Global Environmental Change. Wiley: UK

Cork, S.J., and Platais, G.H. 2002. Pay per view. Share (World Bank) 5: 30.

Cork, S.J., Proctor, W., Shelton, D., Abel, N., and Binning, C. 2002. The ecosystem services project: Exploring the importance of ecosystems to people. Ecological Management and Restoration 3: 143 - 146.

Carpenter, Steve, Brian Walker, J. Marty Anderies, and Nick Abel From Metaphor to Measurement: Resilience of What to What? Ecosystems (2001) 4: 765–781

Cunningham, S.A., FitzGibbon, F., Heard, T.A. 2002. The future of pollinators for Australian agriculture. Aust. J. Agric. Res 53: 893-900

Daily GC, Walker BH. 2000. Seeking the great transition. Nature 403, pp243-245.

Davidson, S. 2000. What price biodiversity. Ecos 102 pp10-13

Conference Papers

Cork, S.J. (in press). The nature and value of ecosystem services in Australia. In: "Proceedings of the International Rangelands Congress, Durban, South Africa, 2003".

Cork, S.J. 2002. Identifying the opportunities: How the concept of ecosystem services can help. In: "8th National Conference and Workshop on the Productive Use and Rehabilitation of Saline Land (PUR$L), Fremantle, 16-20 September 2002".

Cork, S.J. 2002. Ecosystems services and institution rules In: "FutureScape: Exploring the Interaction between the Environment, Economy and Society. Conference 29-30 April 2002, Sydney, Nature Conservation Council of NSW http://www.getmassive.com.au/clients/ncc/presentations/Cork.pdf (14 pages). PDF icon

Cork, S. J. 2001. Ecosystem services: The many ways in which biodiversity sustains and fulfills human life. In "Food for Healthy People and a Healthy Planet", Internet conference organised by the Nature and Society Forum. http://conference.natsoc.org.au PDF icon

Cork, S., Shelton, D., Binning, C., and Parry, R. 2001. A framework for applying the concept of ecosystem services to natural resource management in Australia. In "Third Australian Stream Management Conference August 27-29, 2001". Rutherford, I., Sheldon, F., Brierley, G., and Kenyon, C. (Editors). Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology: Brisbane. Pp 157-162 PDF icon

Cork, S.J., and Shelton, D. 2000. The Nature and Value of Australia's Ecosystem Services: A Framework for Sustainable Environmental Solutions. In "Sustainable Environmental Solutions for Industry and Government" Proceedings of the 3rd Queensland Environmental Conference, May 2000, Environmental Engineering Society, Queensland Chapter, The Institution of Engineers, Australia, Queensland Division, and Queensland Chamber of Commerce and Industry, pp151-159. PDF icon

Shelton, D., Cork, S., Binning, C., Parry, R., Hairsine, P., Vertessy, R,, and Stauffacher, M. 2001. Application of an ecosystem services inventory approach to the Goulburn Broken Catchment. In "Third Australian Stream Management Conference August 27-29, 2001". Rutherford, I., Sheldon, F., Brierley, G., and Kenyon, C. (Editors). Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology: Brisbane. Pp 571-576 PDF icon

Proctor, W. 2002 Deliberative Multi-criteria Evaluation. Conference of the Australia New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics. University of Technology Sydney, 2-4 December. PDF icon

Proctor, W. 2001 Valuing Australia's Ecosystem Services Using a Deliberative Multi-Criteria Approach. Paper presented to the European Society for Ecological Economics Conference Frontiers 1, July 4-7, 2001, Cambridge, UK http://www.euroecolecon.org/frontiers/. PDF icon

Proctor, W., Cork S., Langridge, J., Langston, A., Abel, N., Howden, M., Anderies, M., Parry, R., Shelton, D. 2002 Assessing Ecosystem Services in Australia. Paper to the 7th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Ecological Economics, Sousse, Tunisia, March 2002 PDF icon

Proctor, W., Drechsler, M. 2003 'Deliberative Multi-criteria Evaluation: A case study of recreation and tourism options in Victoria.' Paper presented to the European Society for Ecological Economics, Frontiers 2 Conference, Tenerife, February 11 - 15, 2003. PDF icon

Proctor, W. and Drechsler, M. 2003 Deliberative Multi-criteria Evaluation. In Proceedings of the European Working Group on Multi-criteria Decision Analysis, 57th Meeting. Viterbo, Italy, 28-30 March.

External links to other publications

Binning, C., Baker, B., Meharg, S., Cork, S., and Kearns, A. 2002. Making Farm Forestry Pay - Markets for Ecosystem Services, Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation Publication No 02/005, Canberra, Australia. PDF icon

Cork, S., Parry, R., Yialeloglou, M., Proctor, W., Langridge, J. (2002) Our natural assets - at your service In 'Directions' Foundation for Australian Agricultural Women Newsletter, September Spring 2002: 14.


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