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Quantitive Evidence on Price Determination
Sponsored by
the Federal Reserve Board
and the Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking
September 29-30, 2005    Washington, D.C.

This conference, which takes its inspiration from one held in 1970 entitled "The Econometrics of Price Determination," aims to take stock of the current knowledge about quantitative aspects of inflation dynamics. Conference papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking.

Attendance at the conference is by invitation only.

Conference attendees and media representatives must register in advance.


Kenneth D. West, conference co-chair, University of Wisconsin, Madison
David W. Wilcox, conference co-chair, Federal Reserve Board

Rochelle M. Edge, Federal Reserve Board
James D. Hamilton, University of California, San Diego
Peter N. Ireland, Boston College
David E. Lebow, Federal Reserve Board

Media contact

Ben Hardaway    202-452-2955