U. S. Food and Drug Administration
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
January 2001

Draft Risk Assessment on the Public Health Impact of
Vibrio parahaemolyticus in Raw Molluscan Shellfish

Table of Contents

Glossary of Terms and
Acronyms and Abbreviaitons



Case Series - study of sporadic cases of similar illness occurring over a period of time.

Depuration - the process of reducing pathogenic organisms that may be present in shellfish using a controlled aquatic environment, such as land-based tanks, as the treatment process.

Dose - the number of pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus consumed in oysters at one sitting.

Dose-response - the relationship of the levels of V. parahaemolyticus ingested with the frequency and magnitude of illness.

Gastroenteritis - inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract; symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, or abdominal cramps, caused by an infecting organism which is present in feces.

Raw molluscan shellfish - raw (uncooked) oysters, clams, and mussels.

Outbreak - the occurrence of similar illness involving 2 or more persons not from the same household resulting from the ingestion of a common food.

Relaying - the process of reducing pathogenic organisms or deleterious substances that may be present in shellfish using the ambient environment as the treatment process, by transferring shellfish from a growing area classified as restricted or conditionally restricted to a growing area classified as approved or conditionally approved.

Sensitive subpopulation - group of people with greater vulnerability to more severe Vibrio parahaemolyticus disease (i.e., septicemia) as a result of some underlying state of compromised health, such as liver disease, blood disorder, or immunodeficiency.

Septicemia - a systemic disease associated with the presence and persistence of pathogenic microorganisms or their toxins in the blood.

Thermostable direct hemolysin - a toxin produced by Vibrio parahaemolyticus that lyses red blood cells in Wagatsuma agar.

Thermostable-related hemolysin - a toxin very similar in action and characteristics to, but genetically distinct from the thermostable direct hemolysin.


CFSAN - Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition
GCSL - FDA Gulf Coast Seafood Laboratory, Dauphin Island
ICP - ISSC/FDA Interim Control Plan for monitoring levels of pathogenic V. parahaemolyticus in oysters at time of harvest
ISSC - Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Conference
MSI - Molluscan Shellfish Industry
NACMCF - National Advisory Committee for the Microbiological Criteria for Foods
NERR - National Estuarine Reserve Sites program
NBDC - National Buoy Data Center
NMFS- National Marine Fisheries Services
NOAA - National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NOS - National Ocean Services
NSSP - National Shellfish Sanitation Program for control of Vibrio vulnificus
PCSGA - Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association
RAC - Risk Assessment Consortium
STORET - Storage and Retrieval of U.S. Waterways Parametric Data database

g - grams
HGMF procedure - Hydrophobic Grid Membrane Filtration procedure
h - hours
KP+ - Kanagawa-positive
min - minute
ml – milliliters
MLE - Maximum likelihood estimates
MPN - most probable number
/g - per gram
ppt - parts per thousand
TDH - thermostable direct hemolysin
TRH - thermostable-related hemolysin
Vp - V. parahaemolyticus
Vppath - pathogenic strains of V. parahaemolyticus

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