The ABCs of Bullying
Addressing, Blocking, and Curbing School Aggression

Bullying Fact Sheets

Prevention and Intervention - Parents

What Parents Can Do

Parents are an essential element in the school's effort to create a safe and orderly learning environment.

Parents can do the following:

For the Child Being Bullied

The behavior of parents will differ depending on whether their child is being bullied or is bullying. Children who are bullied tend to be scared and fragile and should never be blamed for the incident. All children deserve to be treated with respect and courtesy. If a child has been a victim of a bully, parents should follow these guidelines:

For the Child Who Bullies

Parents of children who bully must work closely with the school to resolve the situation. While it is difficult for most parents to hear something negative about their child's behavior, it is very important in a bullying situation for the parents to act immediately. Children who are aggressive towards their peers are at high risk for other antisocial behaviors such as criminality and misuse of alcohol, tobacco, and illegal drugs.

Steps parents can take include the following actions:
