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2003 IFDPs

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2003-790 (December 2003)
The Response of Hours to a Technology Shock: Evidence Based on Direct Measures of Technology
Lawrence J. Christiano; Martin Eichenbaum; Robert J. Vigfusson
Abstract and related information | Full paper (265 KB PDF)

2003-789 (December 2003)
China and Emerging Asia: Comrades or Competitors?
Alan G. Ahearne; John G. Fernald; Prakash Loungani; John W. Schindler
Abstract and related information | Full paper (296 KB PDF)

2003-788 (December 2003, latest version January 2006)
How Does the Border Affect Productivity? Evidence from American and Canadian Manufacturing Industries
Robert J. Vigfusson
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (452 KB PDF)

2003-787 (November 2003)
Productivity Growth and the Phillips Curve in Canada
Joseph W. Gruber
Abstract and related information | Full paper (639 KB PDF)

2003-786 (December 2003)
Breaks in the Variability and Co-Movement of G-7 Economic Growth
Brian M. Doyle; Jon Faust
Abstract and related information | Full paper (737 KB PDF)

2003-785 (December 2003)
Interest Rate Rules and Multiple Equilibria in the Small Open Economy
Luis-Felipe Zanna
Abstract and related information | Full paper (904 KB PDF)

2003-784 (October 2003)
The High-Frequency Response of Exchange Rates and Interest Rates to Macroeconomic Announcements
Jon Faust; John H. Rogers; Shing-Yi B. Wang; Jonathan H. Wright
Abstract and related information | Full paper (558 KB PDF)

2003-783 (October 2003)
Market Power and Inflation
David Bowman.
Abstract and related information | Full paper (356 KB PDF)

2003-782 (October 2003, latest version May 2004)
The Effect of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Multinationals' Returns
Jane Ihrig; David Prior
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (66 KB PDF)

2003-781 (October 2003, latest version October 2004)
Productive Capacity, Product Varieties, and the Elasticities Approach to the Trade Balance
Joseph E. Gagnon
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (107 KB PDF)

2003-780 (September 2003)
Forecasting U.S. Inflation by Bayesian Model Averaging
Jonathan H. Wright
Abstract and related information | Full paper (306 KB PDF)

2003-779 (September 2003)
Bayesian Model Averaging and Exchange Rate Forecasts
Jonathan H. Wright
Abstract and related information | Full paper (318 KB PDF)

2003-778 (October 2003)
Capital Controls and the International Transmission of U.S. Money Shocks
Jacques Miniane; John H. Rogers
Abstract and related information | Full paper (2692 KB PDF)

2003-777 (September 2003)
Revisiting the Border: An Assessment of the Law of One Price Using Very Disaggregated Consumer Price Data
Charles M. Engel; John H. Rogers; Shing-Yi B. Wang
Abstract and related information | Full paper (96 KB PDF)

2003-776 (August 2003, latest version April 2004)
News or Noise? An Analysis of Brazilian GDP Announcements
Rebeca de la Rocque Palis; Roberto Luis Olinto Ramos; Patrice Robitaille
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (752 KB PDF)

2003-775 (September 2003)
Contagion: An Empirical Test
Jon Wongswan
Abstract and related information | Full paper (370 KB PDF)

2003-774 (September 2003)
How do Canadian Hours Worked Respond to a Technology Shock?
Lawrence J. Christiano; Martin Eichenbaum; Robert J. Vigfusson
Abstract and related information | Full paper (306 KB PDF)

2003-773 (September)
Precautionary Savings and the Wealth Distribution with Illiquid Durables
Joseph W. Gruber; Robert F. Martin
Abstract and related information | Full paper (793 KB PDF)

2003-772 (August 2003, latest version October 2004)
The Effect of Exchange Rates on Prices, Wages, and Profits: A Case Study of the United Kingdom in the 1990s
Joseph E. Gagnon.
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (141 KB PDF)

2003-771 (July 2003, latest version September 2003)
U.S. Investors’ Emerging Market Equity Portfolios: A Security-Level Analysis
Hali J. Edison; Francis E. Warnock
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (220 KB PDF)

2003-770 (July 2003)
Cross-Border Listings, Capital Controls, and Equity Flows to Emerging Markets
Hali J. Edison; Francis E. Warnock
Abstract and related information | Full paper (453 KB PDF)

2003-769 (July 2003)
Loans to Japanese Borrowers
David C. Smith
Abstract and related information | Full paper (248 KB PDF)

2003-768 (July 2003)
What Happens After A Technology Shock?
Lawrence J. Christiano; Martin Eichenbaum; Robert J. Vigfusson
Abstract and related information | Full paper (617 KB PDF)

2003-767 (June 2003)
IT Investment and Hicks’ Composite-Good Theorem: The U.S. Experience
Jaime Marquez; Shing-Yi B. Wang
Abstract and related information | Full paper (156 KB PDF)

2003-766 (May 2003)
Distance, Time, and Specialization
Carolyn L. Evans; James Harrigan
Abstract and related information | Full paper (358 KB PDF)

2003-765 (May 2003)
An Empirical Analysis of Inflation in OECD Countries
Jane Ihrig; Jaime Marquez
Abstract and related information | Full paper (712 KB PDF)

2003-764 (May 2003)
Net Foreign Assets and Imperfect Pass-through: The Consumption Real Exchange Rate Anomaly
Jorge Selaive; Vicente Tuesta
Abstract and related information | Full paper (932 KB PDF)

2003-763 (March 2003)
Are Financially Dollarized Countries More Prone to Costly Crises?
Carlos O. Arteta
Abstract and related information | Full paper (333 KB PDF)

2003-762 (March 2003)
New Keynesian, Open-Economy Models and Their Implications for Monetary Policy
David Bowman; Brian M. Doyle
Abstract and related information | Full paper (132 KB PDF)

2003-761 (February 2003, latest version May 2003)
Putting 'M' Back in Monetary Policy
Eric M. Leeper; Jennifer E. Roush
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (1063 KB PDF)

2003-760 (February 2003)
The Present-Value Model of the Current Account Has Been Rejected: Round Up the Usual Suspects
James M. Nason; John H. Rogers
Abstract and related information | Full paper (686 KB PDF)

2003-759 (February 2003)
Transmission of Information Across International Equity Markets
Jon Wongswan
Abstract and related information | Full paper (298 KB PDF)

2003-758 (February 2003)
Was There Front Running During the LTCM Crisis?
Fang Cai
Abstract and related information | Full paper (373 KB PDF)

2003-757 (January 2003)
Foreign Portfolio Investment, Foreign Bank Lending, and Economic Growth
J. Benson Durham
Abstract and related information | Full paper (277 KB PDF)

2003-756 (Janaury 2003)
Consumption, Durable Goods, and Transaction Costs
Robert F. Martin
Abstract and related information | Full paper (603 KB PDF)

2003-755 (January 2003, latest version April 2003)
Diversification, Original Sin, and International Bond Portfolios
John D. Burger; Francis E. Warnock
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (115 KB PDF)

2003-754 (January 2003)
Long-Run Supply Effects and the Elasticities Approach to Trade
Joseph E. Gagnon
Abstract and related information | Full paper (139 KB PDF)

2003-753 (January 2003)
Firm-Level Access To International Capital Markets: Evidence From Chilean Equities
Sara B. Holland; Francis E. Warnock
Abstract and related information | Full paper (148 KB PDF)

2003-752 (January 2003, latest version June 2003)
Uncovered Interest Parity: It Works, But Not For Long
Alain P. Chaboud; Jonathan H. Wright
Abstract and related information | Full paper, latest version (274 KB PDF)

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