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1997 IFDPs

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Evaluating Forecasts of Correlation Using Option Pricing
Michael S. Gibson; Brian H. Boyer
Abstract and related information | Full paper (617 KB PDF)

Private Payments Systems in Historical Perspective: The Banco Central System of Mexico
Patrice T. Robitaille
Abstract and related information | Full paper (67 KB PDF) | Full paper (228 KB Postscript)

Habit Formation and the Comovement of Prices and Consumption During Exchange-Rate-Based Stabilization Programs
Martin Uribe
Abstract and related information | Full paper (417 KB PDF) | Full paper (1817 KB Postscript)

Pitfalls in Tests for Changes in Correlations
Brian H. Boyer, Michael S. Gibson, and Mico Loretan
Abstract and related information | Full paper (695 KB PDF)

The Demand for Broad Money in the United Kingdom, 1878-1993
Neil R. Ericsson; David F. Hendry; Kevin M. Prestwich
Abstract and related information | Full paper (495 KB PDF) | Full paper (1162 KB Postscript)

Globalization and Productivity in the United States and Germany
Catherine L. Mann
Abstract and related information | Full paper (262 KB PDF)

A Nonlinear Econometric Analysis of Capital Flight
Lisa M. Schineller
Abstract and related information | Full paper (258 KB PDF)

Aggregate Productivity and Aggregate Technology
Susanto Basu and John G. Fernald
Abstract and related information | Full paper (315 KB PDF)

Roads to Prosperity? Assessing the Link between Public Capital and Productivity
John G. Fernald
Abstract and related information | Full paper (3549 KB PDF)

Money, Sticky Wages, and the Great Depression
Michael D. Bordo, Christopher J. Erceg, and Charles L. Evans
Abstract and related information | Full paper (645 KB PDF)

Nominal Wage Rigidities and the Propagation of Monetary Disturbances
Christopher J. Erceg
Abstract and related information | Full paper (601 KB PDF)

Intra-National, Intra-Continental, and Intra-Planetary PPP
Charles M. Engel, Michael K. Hendrickson, and John H. Rogers
Abstract and related information | Full paper (96 KB PDF) | Full paper (833 KB Postscript)

A Guide to FRB/Global
Andrew T. Levin, John H. Rogers, and Ralph W. Tryon
Abstract and related information | Full paper (248 KB PDF)

On the Inverse of the Covariance Matrix in Portfolio Analysis
Guy V.G. Stevens
Abstract and related information | Full paper (155 KB PDF) | Full paper (1159 KB Postscript)

Income Inequality and Macroeconomic Fluctuations
Murat F. Iyigun and Ann L. Owen
Abstract and related information | Full paper (370 KB PDF)

Information Systems for Risk Management
Michael S. Gibson
Abstract and related information | Full paper (53 KB PDF)

The Bank Lending Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission: Evidence from a Model of Bank Behavior That Incorporates Long-Term Customer Relationships
Michael S. Gibson
Abstract and related information | Full paper (614 KB PDF)

Capital Inflows, Financial Intermediation, and Aggregate Demand: Empirical Evidence from Mexico and Other Pacific Basin Countries
Steven B. Kamin and Paul R. Wood
Abstract and related information | Full paper (342 KB PDF)

Can Government Gold Be Put to Better Use? Qualitative and Quantitative Effects of Alternative Policies
Dale W. Henderson, John S. Irons, Stephen W. Salant, and Sebastian Thomas
Abstract and related information | Full paper (455 KB PDF)

Inflation Regimes and Inflation Expectations
Joseph E. Gagnon
Abstract and related information | Full paper (249 KB PDF)

Output and the Real Exchange Rate in Developing Countries: An Application to Mexico
Steven B. Kamin and John H. Rogers
Abstract and related information | Full paper (335 KB PDF)

An Econometric Model of Capital Flight from Developing Countries
Lisa M. Schineller
Abstract and related information | Full paper (407 KB PDF)

Regional Labor Fluctuations: Oil Shocks, Military Spending, and Other Driving Forces
Steven J. Davis, Prakash Loungani, and Ramamohan Mahidhara
Abstract and related information | Full paper (5116 KB PDF)

Capital Mobility and the Output-Inflation Tradeoff
Prakash Loungani, Assaf Razin, and Chi-Wa Yuen
Abstract and related information | Full paper (458 KB PDF)

General-to-Specific Procedures for Fitting a Data-Admissible, Theory-Inspired, Congruent, Parsimonious, Encompassing, Weakly Exogenous, Identified, Structural Model to the DGP: A Translation and Critique
Jon Faust and Charles H. Whiteman
Abstract and related information | Full paper (156 KB PDF) | Full paper (1641 KB Postscript)

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