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1995 IFDPs

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1995-532 (December 1995)
Aggregate Productivity and the Productivity of Aggregates
Susanto Basu and John G. Fernald
Abstract and related information | Full paper(1345 KB PDF)

1995-531 (December 1995)
A Century of Trade Elasticities for Canada, Japan, and the United States
Jaime Marquez
Abstract and related information | Full paper(875 KB PDF)

1995-530 (November 1995)
Modelling Inflation in Australia
Gordon de Brouwer and Neil R. Ericsson
Abstract and related information | Full paper(958 KB PDF)

1995-529 (November 1995)
Hyperinflation and Stabilisation: Cagan Revisited
Marcus Miller and Lei Zhang
Abstract and related information | Full paper(336 KB PDF)

1995-528 (October 1995)
On the Inverse of the Covariance Matrix in Portfolio Analysis
Guy V.G. Stevens
Abstract and related information | Full paper(232 KB PDF)

1995-527 (October 1995)
International Comparisons of the Levels of Unit Labor Costs in Manufacturing
Peter Hooper and Elizabeth Vrankovich
Abstract and related information | Full paper(743 KB PDF)

1995-526 (October 1995)
Uncertainty, Instrument Choice, and the Uniqueness of Nash Equilibrium: Microeconomic and Macroeconomic Examples
Dale W. Henderson and Ning S. Zhu
Abstract and related information | Full paper(547 KB PDF)

1995-525 (September 1995)
Targeting Inflation in the 1990s: Recent Challenges
Richard T. Freeman and Jonathan L. Willis
Abstract and related information | Full paper(942 KB PDF)

1995-524 (September 1995)
Economic Development and Intergenerational Economic Mobility
Murat F. Iyigun
Abstract and related information | Full paper(496 KB PDF)

1995-523 (September 1995)
Human Capital Accumulation, Fertility and Growth: A Re-Analysis
Murat F. Iyigun
Abstract and related information | Full paper(309 KB PDF)

1995-522 (September 1995)
Excess Returns and Risk at the Long End of the Treasury Market: An Egarch-M Approach
Allan D. Brunner and David P. Simon
Abstract and related information | Full paper(273 KB PDF)

1995-521 (September 1995)
The Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Mexico
Martina Copelman and Alejandro M. Werner
Abstract and related information | Full paper(336 KB PDF)

1995-520 (September 1995)
When is Monetary Policy Effective?
John Ammer and Allan D. Brunner
Abstract and related information | Full paper(429 KB PDF)

1995-519 (August 1995)
Central Bank Independence, Inflation and Growth in Transition Economies
Prakash Loungani and Nathan Sheets
Abstract and related information | Full paper(443 KB PDF)

1995-518 (August 1995)
Alternative Approaches to Real Exchange Rates and Real Interest Rates: Three Up and Three Down
Hali J. Edison and William R. Melick
Abstract and related information | Full paper(491 KB PDF)

1995-517 (August 1995)
Product Market Competition and the Impact of Price Uncertainty on Investment: Some Evidence From U.S. Manufacturing Industries
Vivek Ghosal and Prakash Loungani
Abstract and related information | Full paper(281 KB PDF)

1995-516 (July 1995)
Block Distributed Methods for Solving Multi-Country Econometric Models
Jon Faust and Ralph Tryon
Abstract and related information | Full paper(305 KB PDF)

1995-515 (July 1995)
Supply-Side Sources of Inflation: Evidence From OECD Countries
Prakash Loungani and Phillip Swagel
Abstract and related information | Full paper(602 KB PDF)

1995-514 (July 1995)
Capital Flight from the Countries in Transition: Some Theory and Empirical Evidence
Nathan Sheets
Abstract and related information | Full paper(509 KB PDF)

1995-513 (June 1995)
Bank Lending and Economic Activity in Japan: Did "Financial Factors" Contribute to the Recent Downturn?
Allan D. Brunner and Steven B. Kamin
Abstract and related information | Full paper(602 KB PDF)

1995-512 (June 1995)
Evidence of Nominal Wage Rigidity From a Panel of U.S. Manufacturing Industries
Vivek Ghosal and Prakash Loungani
Abstract and related information | Full paper(380 KB PDF)

1995-511 (June 1995)
Do Taxes Matter for Long-Run Growth?: Harberger's Superneutrality Conjecture
Enrique G. Mendoza, Gian Maria Milesi-Ferreti, and Patrick Asea
Abstract and related information | Full paper(498 KB PDF)

1995-510 (June 1995)
Options, Sunspots, and the Creation of Uncertainty
David Bowman and Jon Faust
Abstract and related information | Full paper(397 KB PDF)

1995-509 (May 1995)
Hysteresis in a Simple Model of Currency Substitution
Martin Uribe
Abstract and related information | Full paper(359 KB PDF)

1995-508 (April 1995)
Import Prices and the Competing Goods Effect
Phillip Swagel
Abstract and related information | Full paper(548 KB PDF)

1995-507 (March 1995)
Supply-Side Economics in a Global Economy
Enrique G. Mendoza and Linda L. Tesar
Abstract and related information | Full paper(1029 KB PDF)

1995-506 (March 1995)
The Lucas Critique in Practice: Theory Without Measurement
Neil R. Ericsson and John S. Irons
Abstract and related information | Full paper(2449 KB PDF)

1995-505 (March 1995)
Real Exchange Rate Targeting and Macroeconomic Instability
Martin Uribe
Abstract and related information | Full paper(519 KB PDF)

1995-504 (March 1995)
Inferences From Parametric and Non-Parametric Covariance Matrix Estimation Procedures
Wouter J. Den Haan and Andrew T. Levin
Abstract and related information | Full paper(381 KB PDF)

1995-503 (March 1995)
Exchange-Rate Based Inflation Stabilization: The Initial Real Effects of Credible Plans
Martin Uribe
Abstract and related information | Full paper(606 KB PDF)

1995-502 (February 1995)
Strategic Returns to International Diversification: An Application to the Equity Markets of Europe, Japan, and North America
John Ammer and Jianping Mei
Abstract and related information | Full paper(257 KB PDF)

1995-501 (February 1995)
Real Exchange Rate Movements in High Inflation Countries
John H. Rogers and Ping Wang
Abstract and related information | Full paper(591 KB PDF)

1995-500 (February 1995)
Political Competition, Casual Relationships Between Taxes and Spending, and Their Influence on Government Size: Evidence From State-Level Data
Diane Lim Rogers and John H. Rogers
Abstract and related information | Full paper(438 KB PDF)

1995-499 (February 1995)
International Stock Price Spillovers and Market Liberalization: Evidence From Korea, Japan, and the United States
Sang W. Kim and John H. Rogers
Abstract and related information | Full paper(467 KB PDF)

1995-498 (February 1995)
How Wide is the Border?
Charles Engel and John H. Rogers
Abstract and related information | Full paper(581 KB PDF)

1995-497 (February 1995)
Constrained Suboptimality in Economies With Limited Communication
David Bowman
Abstract and related information | Full paper(390 KB PDF)

1995-496 (January 1995)
Saving-Investment Associations and Capital Mobility on the Evidence from Japanese Regional Data
Robert Dekle
Abstract and related information | Full paper(361 KB PDF)

1995-495 (January 1995)
Convertibility Risk, Default Risk, and the Mexdollar Anomaly
John H. Rogers
Abstract and related information | Full paper(172 KB PDF)

1995-494 (January 1995)
Government Budget Deficits and Trade Deficits: Are Present Value Constraints Satisfied in Long-Term Data?
Shaghil Ahmed and John H. Rogers
Abstract and related information | Full paper(382 KB PDF)

1995-493 (January 1995)
Real Shocks and Real Exchange Rates in Really Long-Term Data
John H. Rogers
Abstract and related information | Full paper(503 KB PDF)

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