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1987 IFDPs

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1987-319 (December 1987)
Modeling Investment Income and Other Services in the U.S. International Transactions Accounts
William Helkie and Lois Stekler
Abstract and related information | Full paper(361 KB PDF)

1987-318 (December 1987)
Improving the Forecast Accuracy of Provisional Data: An Application of the Kalman Filter to Retail Sales Estimates
B. Dianne Pauls
Abstract and related information | Full paper(293 KB PDF)

1987-317 (December 1987)
Monte Carlo Methodology and the Finite Sample Properties of Statistics for Testing Nested and Non-Nested Hypothesis
Neil R. Ericsson
Abstract and related information | Full paper(829 KB PDF)

1987-316 (November 1987)
The U.S. External Deficit: Its Causes and Persistence
Peter Hooper and Catherine L. Mann
Abstract and related information | Full paper(1662 KB PDF)

1987-315 (November 1987)
Debt Conversions: Economic Issues for Heavily Indebted Developing Countries
Lewis S. Alexander
Abstract and related information | Full paper(378 KB PDF)

1987-314 (November 1987)
Exchange Rate Regimes and Macroeconomic Stabilization in a Developing Country
David H. Howard
Abstract and related information | Full paper(459 KB PDF)

1987-313 (November 1987)
Monetary Policy in Taiwan, China
Robert F. Emery
Abstract and related information | Full paper(905 KB PDF)

1987-312 (September 1987)
The Pricing of Forward Exchange Rates
Ross Levine
Abstract and related information | Full paper(296 KB PDF)

1987-311 (August 1987)
Realignment of the Yen-Dollar Exchange Rate: Aspects of the Adjustment Process in Japan
Bonnie E. Loopesko and Robert A. Johnson
Abstract and related information | Full paper(646 KB PDF)

1987-310 (May 1987)
The Effect of Multilateral Trade Clearinghouses on the Demand for International Reserves
Ellen E. Meade
Abstract and related information | Full paper(505 KB PDF)

1987-309 (May 1987)
Protection and Retaliation: Changing the Rules of the Game
Catherine L. Mann
Abstract and related information | Full paper(413 KB PDF)

1987-308 (March 1987)
International Duopoly with Tariffs
Eric O'N. Fisher and Charles A. Wilson
Abstract and related information | Full paper(383 KB PDF)

1987-307 (March 1987)
A Simple Simulation Model of International Bank Lending
Henry S. Terrell and Robert S. Dohner
Abstract and related information | Full paper(295 KB PDF)

1987-306 (April 1987)
A Reassessment of Measures of the Dollar's Effective Exchange Value
B. Dianne Pauls and William L. Helkie
Abstract and related information | Full paper(565 KB PDF)

1987-305 (March 1987)
Macroeconomic Instability of the Less Developed Country Economy when Bank Credit is Rationed
David F. Spigelman
Abstract and related information | Full paper(377 KB PDF)

1987-304 (February 1987)
The U.S. External Deficit in the 1980's: An Empirical Analysis
William L. Helkie and Peter Hooper
Abstract and related information | Full paper(690 KB PDF)

1987-303 (February 1987)
An Analogue Model of Phase-Averaging Procedures
Julie Campos, Neil R. Ericsson and David F. Hendry
Abstract and related information | Full paper(431 KB PDF)

1987-302 (February 1987)
A Model of Exchange Rate Pass-Through
Eric O'N. Fisher
Abstract and related information | Full paper(347 KB PDF)

1987-301 (January 1987)
The Out-of-Sample Forecasting Performance of Exchange Rate Models when Coefficients are Allowed to Change
Garry J. Schinasi and P.A.V.B. Swamy
Abstract and related information | Full paper(331 KB PDF)

1987-300 (January 1987)
Financial Concentration and Development: An Empirical Analysis of the Venezuelan Case
Jaime Marquez and Janice Shack-Marquez
Full paper(401 KB PDF)

1987-299 (February 1987)
Deposit Insurance Assessments on Deposits at Foreign Branches of U.S. Banks
Jeffrey C. Marquardt
Abstract and related information | Full paper(359 KB PDF)

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