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1985 IFDPs

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1985-272 (December 1985)
Expected Fiscal Policy and the Recession of 1982
William H. Branson, Arminio Fraga, and Robert A. Johnson
Full paper(953 KB PDF)

1985-271 (December 1985)
Elections and Macroeconomic Policy Cycles
Kenneth Rogoff and Anne Sibert
Abstract and related information | Full paper(513 KB PDF)

1985-270 (December 1985)
Assertion without Empirical Basis: An Econometric Appraisal of Monetary Trends in ... The United Kingdom
David F. Hendry and Neil R. Ericsson
Abstract and related information | Full paper(922 KB PDF)

1985-269 (November 1985)
Canadian Financial Markets: The Government's Proposal for Reform
Garry J. Schinasi
Abstract and related information | Full paper(250 KB PDF)

1985-268 (August 1985)
Was it Real? The Exchange Rate-Interest Differential Relation, 1973-1984
Richard Meese and Kenneth Rogoff
Abstract and related information | Full paper(576 KB PDF)

1985-267 (October 1985)
The U.K. Sector of the Federal Reserve's Multicountry Model: The Effects of Monetary and Fiscal Policies
Hali J. Edison
Abstract and related information | Full paper(359 KB PDF)

1985-266 (October 1985)
Optimal Currency Basket in a World of Generalized Floating an Application to the Nordic Countries
Hali J. Edison and Erling Vardal
Abstract and related information | Full paper(361 KB PDF)

1985-265 (October 1985)
Money Demand in Open Economies: A Currency Substitution Model for Venezuela
Jaime Marquez
Abstract and related information | Full paper(371 KB PDF)

1985-264 (September 1985)
Comparing Costs of Note Issuance Facilities and Eurocredits
Rodney H. Mills
Abstract and related information | Full paper(152 KB PDF)

1985-263 (September 1985)
Some Implications of the President's Tax Proposals for U.S. Banks with Claims on Developing Countries
Allen B. Frankel
Abstract and related information | Full paper(161 KB PDF)

1985-262 (August 1985)
Monetary Stabilization Policy in an Open Economy
Marcus H. Miller
Abstract and related information | Full paper(265 KB PDF)

1985-261 (August 1985)
Anticipatory Capital Flows and the Behavior of the Dollar
Arnold S. Kling
Abstract and related information | Full paper(257 KB PDF)

1985-260 (August 1985)
Simulating Exchange Rate Shocks in the MPS and MCM Models: An Evaluation
Arnold S. Kling
Abstract and related information | Full paper(245 KB PDF)

1985-259 (August 1985)
Trade Policy for the Multiple Product Declining Industry
Catherine L. Mann
Abstract and related information | Full paper(517 KB PDF)

1985-258 (July 1985)
Long Memory Models of Interest Rates, The Term Structure, and Variance Bounds Tests
Gary S. Shea
Abstract and related information | Full paper(442 KB PDF)

1985-257 (July 1985)
Currency Substitution and the New Divisia Monetary Aggregates: The U.S. Case
Jaime Marquez
Abstract and related information | Full paper(543 KB PDF)

1985-256 (July 1985)
The International Transmission of Oil Price Effects and OPEC's Pricing Policy
Jaime Marquez
Abstract and related information | Full paper(361 KB PDF)

1985-255 (July 1985)
U.S. Banks' Lending to Developing Countries: A Longer-Term View
Henry S. Terrell and Rodney H. Mills
Abstract and related information | Full paper(269 KB PDF)

1985-254 (June 1985)
Conditional Econometric Modelling: An Application to New House Prices in the United Kingdom
Neil R. Ericsson and David F. Hendry
Abstract and related information | Full paper(710 KB PDF)

1985-253 (February 1985)
Loan Pushing: Doctrine and Theory
William Darity, Jr.
Full paper(731 KB PDF)

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