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1983 IFDPs

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1983-235 (December 1983)
Alternative Financial Strategies: The Results of Some Policy Simulations with the Multi-Country Model
Steven A. Symansky and Richard D. Haas
Full paper(1351 KB PDF)

1983-234 (December 1983)
Deficit-Savings Ratios as Indicators of Interest-Rate Pressure: A Collection of Notes
Gerard Caprio, Dale W. Henderson, Peter Hooper, Raymond Lubitz, and Steven A. Symansky
Full paper(356 KB PDF)

1983-233 (December 1983)
Productive and Counterproductive Cooperative Monetary Policies
Kenneth Rogoff
Full paper(389 KB PDF)

1983-232 (January 1984)
Exchange Rate Determination and Real Interest Rate Differentials Under Uncertainty
Harvey E. Lapan
Full paper(406 KB PDF)

1983-231 (October 1983)
A Quantitative Reassessment of the Purchasing Power Parity Hypothesis: Evidence From Norway and the United Kingdom
Hali J. Edison and Jan Tore Klovland
Full paper(487 KB PDF)

1983-230 (September 1983)
The Optimal Degree of Commitment to an Intermediate Monetary Target: Inflation Gains Versus Stabilization Costs
Kenneth Rogoff
Full paper(513 KB PDF)

1983-229 (September 1983)
The International Transmission of Oil Price Effects
Jamie Marquez
Full paper(241 KB PDF)

1983-228 (September 1983)
A Strategy To Resolve Mexico's Liquidity Crisis
Yves Maroni
Full paper(179 KB PDF)

1983-227 (August 1983)
An Analysis of External Debt Positions of Eight Developing Countries Through 1990
Michael Dooley, William Helkie, Ralph Tryon, and John Underwood
Full paper(677 KB PDF)

1983-226 (August 1983)
What's Wrong with Empirical Exchange Rate Models: Some Critical Issues and New Directions
Peter Isard
Full paper(919 KB PDF)

1983-225 (June 1983)
The Impact of Supply Side Policy Rules on Exchange Rates, Interest Rates and the Terms of Trade: An Exploration Under Alternative Price Rules
Colin Lawrence
Full paper(471 KB PDF)

1983-224 (June 1983)
The Rise and Fall of Sterling: Testing Alternative Models of Exhange Rate Determination
Hali J. Edison
Full paper(333 KB PDF)

1983-223 (May 1983)
Exchange Rate Dynamics with Sluggish Prices Under Alternative Price Adjustment Rules
Maurice Obstfeld and Kenneth Rogoff
Full paper(279 KB PDF)

1983-222 (May 1983)
Purchasing Power Parity and Real After Tax Interest Rate Arbitrage
David H. Howard and Karen H. Johnson
Full paper(142 KB PDF)

1983-221 (May 1983)
Country Risk, International Lending, and Exchange Rate Determination
Michael P. Dooley and Peter Isard
Full paper(480 KB PDF)

1983-220 (April 1983)
Speculation and Hedging Using Options on Futures Contracts
Laurence R. Jacobson
Full paper(307 KB PDF)

1983-219 (Febuary 1983)
Two Essays on Monetary Policy in an Interdependent World: I. Monetary Policy Games and the Consequences of Non-Cooperative Behavior; II. Some Aspects of the Adjustment Problem in an Interdependent World
Matthew B. Canzoneri and Jo Anna Gray
Full paper(994 KB PDF)

1983-218 (February 1983)
Capital Accumulation and Foreign Investment Taxation
Anne Sibert
Full paper(300 KB PDF)

1983-217 (February 1983)
An Appraisal of the Chaps Payments Mechanism
Allen B. Frankel
Full paper(159 KB PDF)

1983-216 (February 1983)
Payments Systems: Theory and Policy
Allen Frankel and Jeffrey Marquardt
Full paper(362 KB PDF)

1983-215 (January 1983)
OPEC's Surplus and Real Interest Rates
Jo Anna Gray and Peter Hooper
Full paper(362 KB PDF)

1983-214 (January 1983)
Assessing Dynamic Properties of the MCM: A Simulation Approach
Richard D. Hass and Steven A. Symansky
Full paper(607 KB PDF)

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