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1981 IFDPs

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1981-195 (November 1981)
Speculative Hyperinflations in Maximizing Models: Can We Rule Them Out?
Maurice Obstfeld and Kenneth Rogoff
Full paper(368 KB PDF)

1981-194 (December 1981)
Transitory Terms-of-Trade Shocks and the Current Account: The Case of Constant Time Preference
Maurice Obstfeld
Full paper(237 KB PDF)

1981-193 (November 1981)
Exchange-Rate Regimes in Transition: Italy 1974
Robert P. Flood and Nancy Peregrim Marion
Full paper(313 KB PDF)

1981-192 (November 1981)
The Information Content of the Interest Rate and Optimal Monetary Policy
Matthew B. Canzoneri, Dale W. Henderson, and Kenneth S. Rogoff
Full paper(292 KB PDF)

1981-191 (October 1981)
The Role of the Current Account in Exchange Rate Determination: A Comment on Rodriguez
Michael P. Dooley and Peter Isard
Full paper(59 KB PDF)

1981-190 (September 1981)
Gold Monetization and Gold Discipline
Robert P. Flood and Peter M. Garber
Full paper(377 KB PDF)

1981-189 (October 1981)
Primary Energy Demand and Its Allocation Among Energy Sector Shares
Laurence Jacobson, Alice Loftin, and Stephan Thurman
Full paper(402 KB PDF)

1981-188 (September 1981)
Estimation of Portfolio-Balance Functions that are Mean-Variance Optimizing: The Mark and the Dollar
Jeffrey A. Frankel
Full paper(499 KB PDF)

1981-187 (August 1981)
Capital Mobility and the Scope for Sterilization: Mexico in the 1970s
Robert E. Cumby and Maurice Obstfeld
Full paper(514 KB PDF)

1981-186 (August 1981)
The Vicious Circle Argument and Its Relevance for the Italian Economy
Raymond Lubitz
Full paper(613 KB PDF)

1981-185 (July 1981)
Inflation, Indexation, and the Oil-Price Shock: The British Experience
David H. Howard
Full paper(432 KB PDF)

1981-184 (June 1981)
Empirical Exchange Rate Models of the Seventies: Are Any Fit to Survive?
Richard Meese and Kenneth Rogoff
Full paper(904 KB PDF)

1981-183 (July 1981)
Reserve Requirements on Eurocurrencey Deposits: Implications for the Stablization of Real Outputs
Dale W. Henderson and Douglas G. Waldo
Full paper(570 KB PDF)

1981-182 (July 1981)
The Impact of an Oil Price Increase on Aggregate Supply
Karen H. Johnson
Full paper(226 KB PDF)

1981-181 (June 1981)
Oil Price Shocks in a Portfolio-Balance Model
Jerry Caprio and Peter B. Clark
Full paper(259 KB PDF)

1981-180 (May 1981)
Oil Price Indexing-Versus Large Price Shocks: Macroeconomic Impacts
Laurence Jacobson and Stephan Thurman
Full paper(255 KB PDF)

1981-179 (April 1981)
Some Consequences of U.S. Taxation of Foreign Banks
Allen B. Frankel
Full paper(175 KB PDF)

1981-178 (March 1981)
Net Foreign Asset Positions and Stability in a World Portfolio Balance Model
Dale W. Henderson and Kenneth Rogoff
Full paper(490 KB PDF)

1981-177 (February 1981)
The Implications of the Internationalization of Banking for the Definition and Measurement of U. S. Credit and Monetary Aggregates
Michael P. Dooley
Full paper(206 KB PDF)

1981-176 (February 1981)
The British Banking System's Demand for Cash Reserves
David H. Howard
Full paper(360 KB PDF)

1981-175 (February 1981)
International Portfolio Disturbances and Domestic Monetary Policy
Jeffrey R. Shafer and Edwin M. Truman
Full paper(264 KB PDF)

1981-174 (January 1981)
Exhange Intervention Policy in a Multiple Country World
Matthew B. Canzoneri
Full paper(372 KB PDF)

1981-173 (January 1981)
The Implications of a Floating Exchange Rate Regime: A Survey of Federal Reserve Systems Papers
Jo Anna Gray and Jeffrey R. Shafer
Full paper(836 KB PDF)

1981-172 (January 1981)
Transversality Conditions in Infinite Horizon Models
Jo Anna Gray and Steven W. Salant
Full paper(236 KB PDF)

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