Hate 'em or Love 'em?

I love the bee.
She keeps bringing me back to a reality check.
In order for our society to function, each member must be productive.
An animal can tolerate a few parasites.
A few more and it gets sick; a few more and it dies.....

The bee is a PRODUCER.
She gives back far more than she takes.
She doesn't ask for much at all.
She only needs a little nectar for energy,
a little pollen for nutrition,
and freedom from pesticide misuse......
and she GIVES us our fruits and vegetables!

We ignore these little creatures at our peril (they are dying off at a fearsome rate).
They not only are a vital link in our food supply by pollination,
but they are symbollic of all that is RIGHT in our world.

Copyright 1999      Dave Green
(A kinder, gentler curmudgeon)


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