Ecosystem Services:

The conditions and processes through which ecosystems, and the species that make them up, sustain and fulfill human life. Examples include production of goods (seafood, crops, and timber); life-support benefits (clean water, climate stability, flood control, pollination); life-fulfilling benefits (aesthetic and other cultural inspiration); and preservation of options.

Where We Work

The Natural Capital Project is focusing its initial work on four main sites:

These sites were selected based on the following criteria:

    • Significant Biodiversity. Richness, uniqueness, and/or representation.
    • Critical Ecosystem Services. Clearly identified ecosystem services that are central to human well-being.
    • High Threat level. Potential high rates of change, especially degradation.
    • High Leverage Potential. Potential to influence important and imminent policy decisions and expand lessons regionally, nationally, or beyond.
    • Stakeholder Will. Decision-makers with ability and interest to implement service protection systems
    • Capacity. Scientific and management capacity, leadership and convening power, present in one or more of the partners
    • Learning. Opportunities high for rapid advancement across all Natural Capital Project efforts.