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Who We Are

Our Mission: To protect and enhance America's National Parks for present and future generations.

America's national parks are the touchstones of our shared history and culture. In some ways, they represent the soul of the nation. They represent our hopes, our dreams, our struggles. They are our absolute best places. 

Tom Kiernan, NPCA President

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We believe that America's national parks and historical sites embody the American spirit. They are windows to our past, homes to some of our rarest plants and animal species, and places where every American can go to find inspiration, peace, and open space.

But these living, breathing monuments to our nation's history, culture, and landscape need care and support to overcome the many dangers that threaten to destroy them forever. At the National Parks Conservation Association, we work every day to ensure our national parks get that vital care and support.

NPCA plays a crucial role in ensuring that these magnificent lands and landmarks are protected in perpetuity:

  • We advocate for the national parks and the National Park Service; 
  • we educate decision makers and the public about the importance of preserving the parks; 
  • we help to convince members of Congress to uphold the laws that protect the parks and to support new legislation to address threats to the parks; 
  • we fight attempts to weaken these laws in the courts; 
  • and we assess the health of the parks and park management to better inform our advocacy work.

The most important thing I've learned from being involved with NPCA is that a single person can and does make a difference.

Bernadette Laqueur, NPCA Volunteer

In more than 85 years, we have grown to represent 340,000 members through our DC headquarters and 24 regional and field offices, all working to "protect and enhance America's National Park System for present and future generations."

We invite you to become part of the NPCA family. Together, we can protect our national parks for this generation and those that come after.

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Our members and supporters understand the importance of our work and help to make our work successful. We are the voice of our members, but they give us the power to speak on behalf of the parks, and that is important for us to remember.

- Tom Kiernan, NPCA President

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