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November/December 2007 · Vol. 71 · No. 3

November/December 2007


The Greening of Public Roadsides
by Amit Armstrong, Scott Riley, David Steinfeld, and Kim M. Wilkinson
FHWA reinforces its commitment to environmental stewardship by developing an integrated approach to establishing native plants along roadsides.

Senior Mobility Series: Article 8 New Vehicle Technologies May Help Older Drivers
by David Band and Mike Perel
Night vision enhancement, adaptive cruise control, lane departure warnings, and other innovative systems enhance transportation safety for senior motorists.

Spotlight on Transportation Planning
by Jody McCullough and Elizabeth Machek
FHWA and FTA are partnering to recognize innovative practices at the State, local, and tribal levels.

A New Look at Sensors
by David Gibson, Milton K. "Pete" Mills, and Lawrence A. Klein
FHWA's updated Traffic Detector Handbook describes in-roadway and over-roadway technologies for vehicle detection as key to ITS deployment.

November/December 2007 · Vol. 71 · No. 3


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