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July/August 2007 · Vol. 71 · No. 1

July/August 2007


The Congestion Problem
by Regina McElroy and Rich Taylor
What are the causes, what are the consequences, and what can be done?

Targeted Investment
by James D. Ray
With the Corridors of the Future Program, USDOT focuses on a few key areas to get the biggest bang for the public's dollars.

Partners In Time
by Patrick DeCorla-Souza
USDOT is joining with Urban Partners in up to five metropolitan areas to alleviate congestion.

The Role of PPPs In Addressing Congestion
by Michael Saunders
Private sector investments in the transportation system may help reduce gridlock on U.S. roadways.

Solutions To the Traffic Snarl
by Rich Taylor
Better information — and the means to deliver it — underpin USDOT's efforts to ease congestion through operational and technological improvements.

Perspective on Freight Congestion
by Crystal Jones
National efforts and stakeholder collaborations offer tools and resources for addressing the challenges of moving goods on the Nation's busy highways.

The Dream of an Automated Highway
by Robert A. Ferlis
The new technologies described in this futuristic scenario offer a realistic forecast of the state of transportation in 2050.

July/August 2007 · Vol. 71 · No. 1


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