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March/April 2006


The Straight Scoop on SAFETEA-LU
by Susan J. Binder
Building on the ISTEA and TEA-21 foundations, the new Federal surface transportation legislation introduces new programs and policies.

Mileage-Based Road User Charges
by David J. Forkenbrock and Paul F. Hanley
As vehicles evolve and burn less fuel, fees assessed for the number of miles actually traveled may prove to be a stable, efficient, and equitable way to finance roads in the United States.

Preservation Act
by Earl E. Dubin
Whether they swing, retract, or are raised, New York City's movable bridges are receiving a much-needed dose of care.

Helping Roadway Contractors Fulfill Public Expectations
by Kathleen A. Bergeron
Incentive and disincentive provisions can help motivate highway builders to complete projects economically, safely, and quickly.

Geospatial Technologies Improve Transportation Decisionmaking
by Lindsay Banks and Mark Sarmiento
Geographic information systems enable State DOTs to streamline tasks and projects related to operations, road routes, safety, engineering, conservation, and more.

The Return of Private Toll Roads
by Robert Poole and Peter Samuel
Private concessions offer an alternative to managing American highways.

Essential to the National Interest
by Richard F. Weingroff
The first decade of the greatest public works project in history began a transportation system yet unrivaled in the world-along with problems to match.

Multipedestrian Tracking
by David R. P. Gibson, Bo Ling, Michael Zeifman, Shaoqiang Dong, and Uma Venkataraman
A new detection system using computerized stereovision promises greater pedestrian safety in the years ahead.

March/April 2006 · Vol. 69 · No. 5


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