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March/April 2005


New Focus for Highway Safety
by A. George Ostensen
FHWA’s performance-based approach is addressing those initiatives where the prospects for improvement are greatest.

Financing Idle-Reduction Projects
by Diane Turchetta
New technologies offer cost-effective strategies to limit air emissions at truckstops.

The Many Faces of Safety
by John Baxter
Taking a leadership role and championing safe roadways can be the decisive strategy to reduce highway fatalities successfully.

One Way to a Better Road
by Blair Barnhardt
To save time and money, a growing Georgia community in the metropolitan Atlanta area reclaims busy roadways using foamed asphalt base stabilization.

Recognizing Excellence in Transportation Planning
by Truphelia M. Parker
Award-winning projects illustrate creative approaches to address the challenges of envisioning land use, mobility, and safety.

A Fresh Look at Orthotropic Technology
by Alfred R. Mangus
Engineers push for the renaissance of steel deck bridges in the United States.

Strengthening from Within
by Christy Darden and Thomas J. Scott
Seamlessly integrating new and old materials helped strengthen a historic bridge in Washington, DC.

Traffic Analysis Toolbox
by James P. McCarthy
FHWA releases new guidelines to help analysts improve modeling to reduce congestion and improve safety.

March/April 2005 · Vol. 68 · No. 5


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