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Public Roads Magazine

Table of Contents

Volume 61, Number 2

September/October 1997

The Magazine featuring developments in federal highway policies, programs, and research and technology

The 3:16 Syndrome  by Cynthia Burbank and S. Lawrence Paulson
The most controversial issue in the debate to develop a surface transportation authorization bill is how to apportion the funds among the states so that the "formula" will be acceptable to both houses of Congress.

The National ITS Program: Where We've Been and Where We're Going  by Christine M. Johnson
The National Intelligent Transportation Systems program is the foundation for a information and communications infrastructure that will enable the nation to develop a more efficient surface transportation system

The National ITS Architecture: A Framework for ITS Infrastructure  by Lee Simmons
The National ITS Architecture is the centerpiece of the program for developing intelligent transportation systems.

The Intelligent Vehicle Initiative: Advancing "Human-Centered" Smart Vehicles  by Cheryl Little
The Intelligent Vehicle Initiative aims to accelerate the development, availability, and use of integrated in-vehicle systems that help drivers of cars, trucks, and buses operate more safely and effectively.

ITS Is Already Paying Dividends  by Maria Koklanaris
Many intelligent transportation technologies are already improving life for millions of drivers and passengers.

Building Smart Infrastructure to Serve Travelers and System Managers  by Jeff Lindley
A critical goal of the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) is to develop an intelligent transportation infrastructure that will enable ITS products and services to work as a powerful and effective team to save time and improve the quality of life.

The ITS Professional Capacity Building Program  by Thomas F. Humphrey
DOT has launched a five-year program to elevate the knowledge, skills, and abilities of surface transportation professionals to advance new technologies and programs.

NHI Charts New Course for the Future  by Jacqueline M. Richardson
The National Highway Institute, a leading source of comprehensive technical training and educational programs for transportation professionals, is expanding its reach to other customer groups, designing courses to focus on learner results and improving the effectiveness and quality of NHI services.

Road Safety Audits: Scanning for "Gold" Down Under  by Michael F. Trentacoste
An American team visits Australia and New Zealand to learn about road safety audits, a process to identify potentially dangerous features of the highway operating environment.

Interactive Highway Safety Design Model: Design Consistency Module  by Raymond A. Krammes
The Design Consistency Module is one of five modules of the IHSDM, an integrated system of modules that highway planners and designers can use to evaluate the safety of highway geometric design alternatives within a computer-aided design (CAD) environment.

The Search for Optimal Asphalt  by Dr. Brian Chollar and Dr. Mohammed Memon
At the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, research on chemically modified asphalts is an ongoing project that has already resulted in furfural-modified asphalt, compatibilized crumb rubber asphalt, and chemically modified crumb rubber asphalt.


Editor's Notes

Along the Road

Internet Watch

NHI Update


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You can share your ideas and opinions by contacting the editor at Public Roads, Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center, Attention: HRD-10, 6300 Georgetown Pike, McLean, VA 22101-2296, or by e-mailing Editor Martha Soneira.

Please provide your telephone number and Internet address. Letters should be less than 250 words. Public Roads reserves the right to determine which letters to the editor will be published and to edit all published letters.

Bob Bryant

Last Updated: 10/14/97

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