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"Doing Futures" - Creating a Preferred Future in Highway Safety
by: Lorena G. Beauchesne
The Federal Highway Administration has started a process to identify the actions it must take now and in the future to "create" the future it desires.

Improving Safety Through Peer Exchanges
by: Barbara Kenefake and Ayman Smadi
National peer exchanges, began in 1994 by the FHWA's Office of Motor Carriers, help to identify the "best practices" related to selected specific elements of the Motor Carrier Safety Assistance.

National Transportation Week, May 16-22
by: Karen Haas Martin
From May 16-22, the transportation community will celebrate National Transportation Week to increase public awareness of transportation and to educate the public about transportation issues.

An Immediate Payoff From FHWA's NDE Initiative
by: Adrian T. Ciolko and W. Phillip Yen
Advanced nondestructive evaluation and nondestructive flaw-detection technologies played a vital role in the successful emergency structural evaluation of the Cochrane Bridge in Mobile County, Ala..

Designing Highway With Older Drivers in Mind

by: Elizabeth Alicandri, Mark Robinson, and Tim Penney
Aging affects a wide variety of skills that are critical to safe driving. Indeed, studies have shown that older drivers have high rates of crashes, injuries, and fatalities on a per-mile-driven basis. As the percentage of Americans aged 65 and older continues to grow, this significant problem grows in magnitude.

FHWA's Driver Performance Laboratory
by: Kathryn Wochinger, Cathy Emery, and Elizaabeth Alicandri
The Driver Performance Laboratory at the Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center investigates issues of driver performance related to highway and traffic engineering and to the design of in-vehicle information systems.

The National Driver History Initiative

by: Brian M. McLaughlin
FHWA and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration are sponsoring a driver history pilot project in nine states to improve systems for recording traffic convictions and for exchanging driver safety information among courts, police, and licensing agencies.

What's a Work Zone?
by: J. Dan Turner
Currently, no nationally recognized definitions of work zone or work-zone accidents exist. FHWA is involved in an effort to develop a standardized definition of work zone to enable researchers to assess the current state of work-zone safety and to recommend possible countermeasures to eliminate or mitigate safety problems.

The National Work-Zone Safety Information Clearinghouse
by: T. Peter Ruane and Gerald Ullman
Opened in February 1998, the clearinghouse has the most comprehensive library of information on work-zone safety..

Safety Is Our North Star
The outcomes of the National Transportation Safety Conference, held March 2-3, 1999, are the beginning of a transportation safety action plan and a memorandum of understanding signed by government officials and chiefs of industry, trade, labor, and law enforcement, pledging to make safety a priority in their organizations.

1999 International Highway Transportation Safety Week, June 1-5
The aims of the activities of this special week are to promote the message that all drivers are responsible for ensuring safe highways and to educate the public about the efforts to improve truck and bus safety.

Human Factors Recommendations for TMC Design
by: Nazemeh Sobhi and Michael Kelly
An ITS-class traffic management center (TMC) incorporates a large number of sensors to collect and communicate traffic-flow data. They may employ data fusion and automated information processing to combine and translate the information into a form that can enhance operators' knowledge of the status of the roadway environment.

FHWA's International Geotechnical Engineering Scan
by: Thomas K. Saad and Jerry A. DiMaggio
In March 1998, a team of geotechnical and structural engineers from FHWA, state highway agencies, and industry went to Canada and Europe to discuss practices for implementing load and resistance factor design methods; to investigate innovative contracting practices; and to identify new or improved mechanically stabilized earth-wall technologies, ground-improvement methods, and in situ testing procedures.

Does Asset Management Deserve a Closer Look?
by: Dena M. Gray-Fisher
The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials approved an asset management strategic plan that outlines AASTHO's activities to advance asset management among the organization's members.

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United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration