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March/April 2001


DOT's Comprehensive Truck Size and Weight Study — A Summary
by James W. March
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) presented to Congress the results of a comprehensive examination of issues surrounding the current federal truck size and weight limits and the potential impacts of changes to those limits.

Giving Freight a Voice
by S. Lawrence Paulson
DOT has begun a major effort to give visibility to freight issues and to coordinate the modes of transportation. Accordingly, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) established an Office of Freight Management and Operations as "Freight's Voice in FHWA."

FORETELL — Finally, someone is doing something about the weather!
by Paul Pisano
FORETELL provides, via Internet, the timely, detailed, and relevant weather related road information needed by state highway managers and the public.

Steel Fabrication Technologies Observed in Japan and Europe
by Krishna K. Verma
A team of steel bridge experts visited leading steel fabrication facilities in Japan, Italy, Germany, and the United Kingdom to identify practices that may have current or future value to transportation agencies in the United States.

Reliability of Visual Bridge Inspection
by Brent M. Phares, Dennis D. Rolander,
Benjamin A. Graybeal, and Glenn A. Washer
This article is the second of two on the visual inspection study conducted at FHWA's Nondestructive Evaluation Validation Center and describes the results of this recently completed study.

For the Common Good: The 85th Anniversary of a Historic Partnership
by Richard F. Weingroff
The collaboration to establish a federal-aid highway program in 1916 was the beginning of an enduring partnership between FHWA and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials.

Telecommunications — Getting More for Your Money
by William S. Jones
New telecommunications developments, even those not designed specifically for transportation uses, bring opportunities and benefits to transportation engineers.

Celebrating National Transportation Week, May 13-19
National Transportation Week provides opportunities for the transportation community to join together to promote greater public awareness of the importance and benefits of transportation and to encourage youth to consider transportation-related careers.

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