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January/February 2002


A Report of the National Highway R&T Partnership Initiative
by Jason McConachy and Robert E. Spicher
This article provides an update on the work and findings of the National Highway Research and Technology Partnership, an initiative in which 160 organizations participated to assess the needs of highway research and technology.

Managing Traffic Flow Through Signal Timing
by S. Lawrence Paulson
Traffic signal management is one of the most cost-effective ways to keep traffic moving smoothly and to make streets safer. Efficient traffic signal control systems improve air quality and reduce fuel consumption, reduce traffic congestion, reduce the number of crashes, reduce red-light running, and postpone or eliminate the need to construct additional road capacity.

Lessons Learned About Bridges From Earthquake in Taiwan
by Wen-Huei (Phillip) Yen
A U.S.-Taiwanese team visited 10 bridge sites in Taiwan to evaluate Taiwanese bridge performance during the devastating Chi-chi Earthquake, which occurred on Sept. 21, 1999. The earthquake measured 7.6 on the moment magnitude scale, and more than 2,400 lives were lost as a result of the earthquake.

An Olympic Event: Handling Transportation During the Olympics
by John R. Njord
Studying all relevant information, including the lessons learned from previous Olympic Games, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) created and implemented an effective travel demand program to handle the anticipated increase in traffic during the Winter Olympics in February 2002. UDOT's goals are to get the athletes and spectators to Olympic venues in an efficient and timely manner and to reduce background traffic by 20 percent.

A Legacy in Art in a New Exhibition
by George Austin Hay
The collection of Carl Rakeman's 109 original paintings documenting the history of highway transportation in America
finds a new home at the Texas Transportation Institute. From 1921 to 1952, Rakeman painted this extraordinary pictorial record of the development of travel in this nation. These paintings cover American travel from frontier Indian trails and pre-colonial times to modern highways.

FHWA and Nevada DOT Create a Wetland in Nevada
by D. Gail Bellenger
It may be surprising to some, but even Nevada with its desert climate has wetlands. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Nevada Department of Transportation created a large wetlands area adjacent to the scenic Washoe Lake to offset the unavoidable loss of wetlands areas as a result of highway construction and maintenance projects in and around Reno and Carson City.

It's the Ride That Count$
by Rick Boeger and Roberta J. Crowe
The Maricopa County (Ariz.) Department of Transportation in Phoenix has put in place a program that makes contractors on roadway paving projects put their money where the ride is. Contractors, under this incentive program, can earn as much as an additional 10 percent of total paving costs in incentive bonuses by exceeding the preset standard for smoothness. Conversely, contractors are hit in the pocketbook if they don't meet the standard.

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