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January/February 2001


Learning to Beat Snow and Ice
by Deborah Vocke
More than 1,500 people from 36 states and 14 nations participated in the 5th Annual Eastern Winter Road Maintenance Symposium and Equipment Expo.

Safe Plowing - Applying Intelligent Vehicle Technology
by Robert A. Ferlis, Shahed Rowshan, and Cathy Frye
The California and Minnesota departments of transportation use the Global Positioning System, a geo-spatial database, radar, and intelligent vehicle technologies to enable snowplow operators to "see" snow-covered roads and obstacles.

Improving Roadside Safety by Computer Simulation
by Dean L. Sickling and King K. Mak
Computer simulation of vehicular impacts is rapidly developing as a reliable alternative to full-scale crash testing.

Using the Computer and DYNA3D to Save Lives
by Martin W. Hargrave and David Smith
Within the past decade, FHWA has led a program focused on employing and expanding the capabilities of a new crash analysis tool, DYNA3D. DYNA3D is a non-linear finite element code that can be used with the computer to replicate three-dimensional motor vehicle crashes.

LS-DYNA: A Computer Modeling Success Story
by John D. Reid, Martin W. Hargrave, and S. Lawrence Paulson
When the bullnose guardrail system failed a crash test, researchers went back to the drawing board - or rather, back to LS-DYNA, a complex computer analysis system - to find the solution.

Preservation of Wetlands on the Federal-Aid Highway System
by Kirstyn White
FHWA is moving steadily toward its goal of achieving a 50-percent increase in wetlands acreage resulting from federal-aid highway projects from 1998 to 2008.

Internal FHWA Partnership Leverages Technology and Innovation
by Bob Bryant
Two organizations within FHWA - the Research, Development, and Technology Service Business Unit and the Federal Lands Highway Core Business Unit - have a rich history and a continuing program of internal partnering to enhance FHWA's research and technology delivery to the agency's customers.

New Applications Make NDGPS More Pervasive
by James A. Arnold
The Nationwide Differential Global Positioning System offers such a dramatic improvement in the accuracy of positioning information obtained via radio signals emitted by the 24 Global Positioning System satellites orbiting the earth that it makes possible a myriad of new applications and enables other technologies to function at improved levels.

Center for Excellence in Advanced Traffic and Logistics Algorithms and Systems (ATLAS)
by David Gibson, Alan Hansen, and Pitu Mirchandani
The University of Arizona with the support of FHWA established a center of excellence for the research and development of algorithms, software, and systems to advance the state of the art and the state of the practice in traffic management systems and logistics management systems.

National Work Zone Awareness Week (April 9 to 12) - Enhancing Safety and Mobility in Work Zones
In a continuing effort to promote safety and mobility in work zones, FHWA, ATSSA, and AASHTO will sponsor the second annual National Work Zone Awareness Week from April 9 to 12, 2001.

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