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January/February 2004


Moving Technologies and Innovations Forward—A Master Plan
by Joe Conway
The Federal Highway Administration is strengthening its research and technology program.

Championing Innovations
by Gene K. Fong, Gary Hoffman, and Tony Sussmann
Roundabouts and ITS technologies in work zones are just two of the state-ofthe-art technologies that FHWA and AASHTO encourage State and local agencies to adopt.

Seeing Crosswalks in a New Light
by Sheryl Miller, Gabriel K. Rousseau, and Ann H. Do
FHWA is testing in-pavement flashing warning lights at a pedestrian crossing in a Virginia community.

Measuring Pavement Deflection at 55 MPH
by Max G. Grogg and Jim W. Hall
A field test shows that the rolling wheel deflectometer enables engineers to evaluate pavement while keeping pace with traffic.

A Streamlining Success
by William C. Farr and Michele Deshotels
Louisiana came close to achieving the FHWA goal of streamlining the environmental impact statement process.

An Environmental Frontrunner
by James B. Struzzi II
A Pennsylvania engineering district is the first in the Nation to achieve ISO 14001 certification.

Building a Bridge from Yesteryear
by Eric Gorton
In this historic restoration, the Virginia DOT kept one eye on the past and the other on the future.

Update on Intelligent Vehicles and Intersections
by Keri A. Funderburg
Take a look at the latest automotive innovations and intersection technologies for improving driver performance.

Memphis Braces for a Lot of Shaking
by Rebecca Jaramilla
A bridge on the Mississippi River in Elvis' hometown of Memphis gets a seismic retrofit.

New Faces, New Ideas
by Richard A. Livingston and Ernest J. Bastian, Jr.
Postdoctoral associates push the boundaries of advanced highway research at FHWA.

January/February 2004 · Vol. 67 · No. 4


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