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September/October 2003


State-of-the-Art Toll Road
by Raymond A. Ashe, Max D. Crumit, and Kevin M. Hoeflich
Florida's new Suncoast Parkway is designed for minimum impact on the environment and maximum use by nonmotorized traffic.

CPTP Update
by Cheryl Allen Richter and Suneel Vanikar
Highlights from the past year demonstrate that the Concrete Pavement Technology Program is continuing its progress in making road surfaces that are safer, smoother, and more durable.

Getting Traffic Moving Again
by Robert L. Bertini and Galen E. McGill
A study documents Oregon's rural incident response program and quantifies the benefits for transportation agencies and motorists.

Fighting Fatigue
by John J. Sullivan IV

To improve the safety of the transportation system, multimodal partnerships within USDOT are addressing problems caused by sleep deprivation.

A New Solution for an Old Problem
by James K. Stangenburg, Thomas E. Shifflett, and Jeffrey A. Schmidt
An innovative use of anchor blocks and tiebacks may solve a landslide condition on a steep roadside slope in Tennessee.

Rumbling Toward Safety
by David A. Morena
Michigan study finds that the most severe run-off crash is the drift-off and that rumble strip design and placement significantly reduce these crashes.

Rebuilding a Community Link
by Norah Davis
When the bridge to a popular Florida island developed a severe crack, the county DOT sprang into action. Here's how the bridge reopened ahead of schedule.

A Study in Environmental Justice
by Gary Strasburg

The New Orleans Regional Planning Commission developed a process to handle quality of life concerns on road projects.

Paying the Value Price
by Patrick DeCorla-Souza, Angela Jacobs, Shannon Ballard, and Theresa Smith
Managing congestion with market-based strategies may be the wave of the future.

September/October 2003 · Vol. 67 · No. 2


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