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July/August 2002


Taking Concrete to the Next Level
by Marcia J. Simon and Michael P. Dallaire

Take a look at what the pavement research team is doing to improve concrete material performance and stretch the longevity of your roads.

Getting It Together
by Shiraz D. Tayabji
A new research project is working on procedures for identifying compatible combinations of concrete materials.

Fine-Tuning Innovative Technologies
by Mark Swanlund
Field trials around the country are generating results on alternative designs for improving high-performance concrete pavements.

On the Road Testing Roads
by Gary L. Crawford, Leif Wathne, and Jon I. Mullarky
FHWA's lab-on-wheels bridges the gap between research and field implementation of new technologies for concrete pavements.

Paving the Way
by J. Mauricio Ruiz, Robert Otto Rasmussen, and Patricia Kim Nelson

User-friendly HIPERPAV software makes it possible to simulate problems before they happen.

Making Roads Better and Better
by Peter A. Kopac
Today, performance-related specifications for concrete pavements are a full-fledged reality, expected to lower project life-cycle costs.

Texas Tests Precast for Speed and Usability
by David K. Merritt, B. Frank McCullough, and Ned H. Burns
Deteriorating transportation infrastructure and rising roadway usage necessitate innovations that speed up pavement construction. Is precast concrete one answer?

The Biggest Bang for Your Buck
by John E. Naughton III and Kurt Smith

It's in the workssoftware that can guide you to the most cost-effective, high-performing features, promising more highways for the same level of funding.

New Software Promises to Put Whitetopping on the Map
by Robert Otto Rasmussen, George K. Chang, J. Mauricio Ruiz, W. James Wilde, Patricia Kim Nelson, Jason Dick, and Dan K. Rozycki
A new software product is forthcoming to help highway agencies and others evaluate portland cememt concrete as a viable alternative for pavement overlays.

Road Map to the Future
by Theodore R. Ferragut, Dale Harrington, and Marcia Brink
A new generation of concrete pavements is coming of age, thanks in part to an innovative, long-term CPTP plan for research and technology.

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