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In 2001, when it became apparent that animal cloning may become a commercial venture to help improve the quality of herds, FDA requested livestock producers and researchers to keep food from animal clones or their offspring out of the food supply. Since then, FDA has conducted an intensive evaluation that included examining the safety of food from these animals and the risk to animal health.
Based on a final risk assessment, a report written by FDA scientists and issued in January 2008, FDA has concluded that meat and milk from cow, pig, and goat clones and the offspring of any animal clones are as safe as food we eat every day.
Final Documents Released January 15, 2008:
Draft Documents Released December 28, 2006:
FDA Press Release, January 15, 2008
FDA News - FDA Issues Draft Documents on the Safety of Animal Clones, December 28, 2006
FDA News - FDA Issues Draft Executive Summary form Assessment of Safety of Animal Cloning, October 31, 2003
CVM Update - FDA Receives NAS/NRC Report on Animal Biotechnology, August 21, 2002
CVM Update - CVM to Cosponsor Public Symposium on Livestock Cloning, June 13, 2002
CVM Update - Update on Livestock Cloning, July 13, 2001
Transcript of FDA Press Conference on FDA Announcement on Final Cloning Risk Assessment
Transcript of FDA Press Conference on Cloning Risk Assessment - Afternoon Media Telecon
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Veterinary Medicine Advisory Committee Fall Meeting, November 4, 2003 DoubleTree Hotel, Rockville, MD
FDA's Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM) and the Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology cosponsored a symposium entitled "Animal Cloning and the Production of Food Products -- Perspectives from the Food Chain,” on September 26, 2002. The symposium followed a two-day symposium being held by the Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology entitled "Biotech in the Barnyard: Implications of Genetically Engineered Animals".
Web Page Updated by mdt - January 31, 2008, 10:43 AM ET