Background Information Regarding the ISBT Label

Useful References

  1. Guidance for Industry: Recognition and Use of a Standard for Uniform Blood and Blood Component Container Labels - 9/22/2006
  2. United States Industry Consensus Standard for the Uniform Labeling of Blood and Blood Components Using ISBT 128 - 9/22/2006 (PDF, 1.6 MB)
  3. ISBT Label Checklist for Licensed Establishments

In the following table, we are providing blood establishments with correct ISBT label information to expedite the review process where we anticipate potential errors in labeling submissions. Please use this table to make necessary corrections to labeling before submitting to CBER labeling for approval.

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PDF Version of Table (107 KB)

Common Errors found in ISBT Label Submissions

Item Incorrect Correct Guidance Document
Reference #1
(PDF, 1.6 MB)
Abbreviated legal name Community Blood Bk of E. Anytown, Inc. Community Blood Bank of East Anytown, Inc.  
Full legal name is not present on label Blood Bank Blood Bank, Inc. Pg. 27
No license number on label   US License Number 9999 Pg. 27
Divided Units Nothing present in code. For example: E4520V00 On divided units the code should have an A, B, or C indicating divided (E4520VA0) but additionally the term Divided should be on the label in the attribute line. Pg. 18 - 19
Bacterial Monitoring APHERESIS
Bacterial monitoring translates to 7d on the label


Pg. 75
Collection Date on products with no expiration date or Recovered Plasma No collection date The collection date goes in the upper left quadrant of the label if applicable Pg. 28
Expiration Date and Time on products that are NOT time dependent 22 Jan 2005 2359 22 Jan 2005
Note: The hour should not be displayed if time >72 hours.
Pg. 15
Plasma Frozen ≤ 24 hours Frozen within 24 hours of phlebotomy Frozen within 24 hours after phlebotomy Pg. 74-75
Donor Identification Number Incorrect facility code used Correct facility code Pg. 27
Donor Identification Number If firm uses “doing business as name” to match the facility code Facility code must match the legal name not dba name  
Donor Identification Number Font size and prominence are not the same throughout the entire number Same font size throughout the entire number Pg. 27
Rx Only Rx Only. or Rx ONLY. Rx Only Pg. 27
Rx ONLY or Rx only Rx Only Pg. 27
RX ONLY Rx Only Pg. 27
Degree symbol in the temperature 1 – 6◦C 1 – 6 C Pg. 29
Periods after abbreviations Approx. or mL. Approx or mL Pg. 51-53
Periods after temperature and anticoagulant statements Store at 1 to 6 C.
From 500 mL CPD Whole Blood.
Store at 1 to 6 C
From 500 mL CPD Whole Blood
Pg. 51-53
Legal name in all capital letters BLOOD BANK, INC. Blood Bank, Inc. Pg. 27
Firm’s city in all capital letters ANYTOWN Anytown Pg. 27
Hash marks through zeros Ø 0  
Extra zeroes in numbers 023mL 23mL  
Autologous statement for AUTOLOGOUS use only FOR AUTOLOGOUS USE ONLY Pg. 15, 30, 48
Biohazard statement in different font



Pg. 15, 30, 48
Caution statement in different font sizes or Circular of Information not capitalized See circular of information for indications, contraindications, cautions and methods of infusion. See Circular of Information for indications, contraindications, cautions and methods of infusion. Pg. 27
Period after Properly Identify Intended Recipient Properly Identify Intended Recipient. Properly Identify Intended Recipient Pg. 40
Lower Right Quadrant Facility name, registration number and license number This quadrant should be blank unless the firm has further manufacturing done by another facility then that facility information should be present Pg. 31
Facility information in upper right quadrant Collected and Processed by: Nothing – remove statement Pg. 27

Optional Statements on Labels:

Item Comment Guidance Document Reference, if applicable
Cryoprecipitate Labels The standard does not address putting the statement “From 500 (or 450) mL Whole Blood” on the label but this is acceptable if the code states it is from Whole Blood – code dependent

Pg. 53 shows label without verbiage
Residual Leukocyte Count The residual leukocyte count should be written with a superscript only. The firm may NOT use the carrot top with a regular 6 or the notation e in front of the 6. If printed, this should be below the storage temperature. Pg. 73
mEq statement on Codabar labels for AS RBCs This statement does NOT go on ISBT labels.  
Properly Identify Intended Recipient This statement is approvable if it is in all capital letters as follows: PROPERLY IDENTIFY INTENDED RECIPIENT  
Facility Name and Address It is approvable for the facility information to contain the street address, zip code or a phone number in the upper left quadrant. Per the guidance document only the city and state are required. Pg. 28
Updated: November 8, 2007